Another secret revealed

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3rd Person POV
(I decided to add my favorite song for no reason 😃)

The next morning, America woke up to something licking him again. It was Cheese. "Oh hey cheese, how's it going?" Of course there was no answer as expected, America didn't expect one anyways. He petted Cheese for a couple minutes, then he got out of his bed. He noticed his face felt lighter and everything seemed brighter. He touched his face then realized he didn't have his sunglasses on. He looked over at his nightstand and there were his sunglasses. He grabbed his sunglasses but before he put them on he made sure that his face paint was even, he then grabbed some clothes then changed into them. He wore a grey hoodie, black ripped jeans, his black fingerless gloves, and grey and white shoes. Then he put his sunglasses on, he checked the time it was 1 pm. "Jeez how long did I sleep for?" America thought. "Wait I slept that long?!" America started to panic, but then calmed down a bit when Cheese started licking America's hand. America petted Cheese, for some reason petting Cheese calmed him down. "I can't believe I slept that long, I needed to make the kids breakfast." America thought, then he all of sudden heard a lot of yelling coming from downstairs so he decided to go downstairs to check it out, but before he did that he grabbed cheese and carried her downstairs with him. America found his kids attacking Russia, Russia then fell on to the floor by Hawaii making him trip on some water she spilled in the floor purposely. Some of America's kids were started to climb on Russia. "Get off me you demons!" Russia yelled trying to get away from America's kids. "Never!" Yelled Florida. Then some more of America's kids started to drag Russia to the backyard. Russia tried to get of their grip but their grip was too strong since their were so many of them.

After a 2 minutes later Russia somehow managed to escape from America's kids, but they started to chase him around the house trying to catch him again. "Why are you guys chasing Russia around the house?" America asked. His kids stopped running after Russia once they noticed America. "We thought it'd be fun!" Hawaii said in a cheerful voice. "By chasing Russia around the house looking like your trying to kill him?" America said while raising up a brow. His kids didn't say anything after that. "Jesus America you raised demons!" Russia said running away from America's kids and went behind America. America glared at Russia for calling his kids demons. "What? It's true!" "Uh huh, whatever did any of you guys eat breakfast?" America asked. "Yep Russia bought us quesadillas!" New York said. "Quesadillas?" America looked at Russia. "It was the only thing they wanted when I asked them what they wanted to eat." Russia said. "Plus I don't know how to make quesadillas, so I just bought some." Russia continued. "Are you serious it's not that hard to make them." America said. "They didn't like how I made them." "Yours can't be that bad." America said. "He n made it too burnt." Alabama said bluntly. "Oh that explains." America said while putting Cheese down onto the floor. "Yea. That's why I had to buy quesadillas, also you owe me 200 dollars." Russia said. "Great...let me go get my wallet." America said as he mumbled the last part while walking upstairs. " Cheese then started growling at Russia for no reason. "Why the hell are you growling at me." Cheese continued to growl at him then started barking at him. Russia decided walk away from Cheese but then all of a sudden Cheese started to run after Russia. "Oh my god! You have a demon dog too!" Russia yelled running as fast he can. But Cheese somehow always caught up to him.

"Alright here's the um-." America stopped himself when he saw that Cheese was chasing Russia around the house while his kids were laughing at him. They were laughing hard at Russia, but then Cheese started to go after them. They all screamed and started running around the house. "Looks like the tables have turned." Russia said. America didn't say anything. "Cheese get over here now!" America yelled. Cheese the all of a sudden stopped chasing America's kids and then started running up to America. America picked up cheese and started petting her. "Ya know I'm going to have to agree with Russia for once." Texas said. "And what is it that you agree with?" America asked. "That thing is a demon." Texas said pointing at Cheese. "How does that dog like you so much?!" Nevada yelled. "Can't we just get rid of it before it starts chasing and biting us?"

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