Meeting Them

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3rd Person POV (with the other countries)

It has been a few days and the countries received some news by email from America. It said that they could go over to his house, and meet his kids. They would be staying there for a couple of days since there's so many kids it would take quite awhile to meet them all.

As the countries got were going over to America's house they were in a group. There was England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, France, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China and Russia. As they made sure everyone was here, but of course not everyone was here because they were driving over there while they walked. But once they made sure everyone was here they noticed Russia was here with them. The countries were confused why Russia was there because he's technically supposed to be with America. Russia had to explain to them why he was with them. He told them it was because America made him go with them because he didn't want the countries to get lost. Russia then said that he eventually agreed with him, mostly because he didn't want to deal with America's nagging.

While walking most of the countries were arguing with each other a lot. As much as Russia tried to stop them, they didn't listen to him no matter what he said. Russia even threatened and yelled at them but they still wouldn't listen. Russia thought they kinda acted like America's kids, they would always fight with each other. But other than that, the countries were more older than the states and they still acted like children. After a few minutes later Russia eventually stopped trying to make them be quiet because no matter what he did they would just continued what they were doing.

Russia decided to ignore them, it worked for him but the problem was that England and Germany were the most irritated one by all the bickering the countries were making. They tried to ignore the countries like Russia did but did not work for them. They both got tired of them and wanted to leave the group, but no matter what they did, Russia was always there to stop them and that made them even more mad. Russia knew that they never been in this area before so he knew that they would get lost eventually.

As they got closer to America's house, the countries had finally stopped fighting and arguing with each other and looked around the area. It was a very beautiful area, there were so many pretty flowers in different sort of colors, lots of tall trees, and if they were lucky enough they would see a few squirrels and some butterflies here and there. As they looked around the area Russia was relieved they had stopped fighting and took the time to actually look around and its also the same thing for England and Germany. "Are we almost there?" Canada asked as he was getting tired from walking. "Yes we are almost there, it should take about another couple of minutes." Russia said. Canada could only nod at Russia statement. As they examined the area, the countries noticed how quiet this place was, they couldn't hear anybody else besides themselves. "He really lives this far? I thought he'd live somewhere were they was always lots of people, since he's so talkative and interactive." Japan said as her ear twitched. "I thought so too, but we can't always assume things." Russia said.

"I'm not going to lie it's very peaceful and beautiful here." France commented as she examined the flowers. "Yes, it's a very beautiful place!" Japan said agreeing with France. "Um Russia are you sure you know where we're going? Because it seems like we're heading into a forest." Australia asked as he stopped infront of Russia. "Yes I know where we're going, now come one let's continue walking." Australia nodded and continued to follow Russia. "Woah America lived here?" New Zealand asked. "Yes he lives here. I was quite surprised when he said that though." Russia said. "Hey look a kid!" Canada yelled a bit as he pointed to Hawaii. Hawaii was on the ground playing with her stuffed animals, she a had a dog, a dolphin, and a horse. She looked up when she heard Canada, she was confused and worried why there were here, but once she saw Russia she was a little less worried. "Hello Hawaii, what are you doing out here?" Russia asked. "I'm playing with my stuffed animals! I always love to go outside and play!" Hawaii answered. "I never really see you outside but whatever." Russia said. "Aww she's so cute!" France said. Hawaii was still confused on who the countries were. "Um who are they?" Hawaii asked.

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