The gay panic is real

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Isaac: Scott just electrocuted himself

Allison: Isaac just electrocuted himself and Scott (again) while trying to help Scott

Stiles: lol

Liam: ^

Malia: ^

Kira: you figured out how to use ^ Malia!! Yay!

Lydia: it's a good thing those two are werewolves or they'd have died years ago

Derek: if Stiles is still alive then I'm not sure if they actually would have

Liam: he has a point

Allison: it's a miracle if Stiles doesn't end up with at least one bruise after three hours in one day

Lydia: stiles is a special case of idiotic

Stiles: well fuck all of you Kira and Malia are my favorites since they didn't join the gang up on Stiles day

Scott: what about me?

Stiles: you and Issac were busy being electrocuted soooo

Isaac: thanks for the help Allison

Allison: ur welcome

Scott: look at all of us being one big family

Cora: and now it's awkward

Lydia: where did Malia and Kira go?

Stiles: Malia is busy having a freak out and Kira is probably being adorable

Allison: is Malia okay?

Liam: huh

Kira: sorry I was talking with my mom

Kira: what's wrong with Malia?

Scott: Stiles texted me to tell all of you that nothing is wrong and that they'll talk to us in like an hour

Private chat with Stiles and Malia


Stiles: Malia I love you but you are a disaster lesbian who needs to ask Kira out already instead of having a freak out whenever she texts you

Malia: she's so pretty!

Stiles: I know Malia so for the love of god ASK HER OUT

Stiles: it's like Scott from sophomore year all over again but gay

Malia: I can't just ask her out

Malia: and you won't even ask out your own crush so you can't blame me

Stiles: except I can actually talk to him

Malia: you flirt. It's flirting

Stiles: it's not!

Group chat

Stiles: Malia is no longer one of my favorites for reasons so Kira congratulations you are my favorite

Kira: yay

Malia: I'm not wrong

Isaac: so what was wrong?

Malia: I want deer but I don't have any

Lydia: mmhmm

Allison: Scott just electrocuted himself again brb

Isaac: I refuse to help this time

Cora: idiots

Derek: once again I ask why am I here?

Teen Wolf group chat but it's gayWhere stories live. Discover now