Stiles full name

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Scott: I am concerned

Allison: and I am amused

Isaac: run stiles run!

Cora: what wonderful friends we all are

Malia: Stiles ran off when Lydia mentioned a haircut

Malia: Lydia is now running after him

Malia: Stiles has now slipped while trying to avoid a tiny child

Malia: the tiny child is now following him

Malia: the tiny child was grabbed by his mother and Stiles in now cornered by Lydia

Liam: this is why we love you Malia

Kira: ^

Malia: stiles is now being dragged by the collar of his shirt

Malia: Lydia will be taking my phone now

Isaac: Lydia is scary

Liam: you obliviously haven't seen a coffee deprived completely done with everything and ready to explode at the smallest thing Stiles

Scott: yeah but that's more terrifying

Scott: Lydia is just scary in general and

Cora: Lydia is threatening but Stiles is a nightmare when he's had no coffee and is like a tired mom

Liam: none of you are ever going to let us forget that are you?

Liam: it was one time

Liam: I hate this family

Allison: you love us and you know it

Allison: Scott Isaac and I are all driving to Beacon Hills right now so that we can get the party ready a bit early

Kira: I'll be there in two days

Cora: I'm already here

Liam: I'll probably arrive the same time Kira does

Lydia: both of the overgrown children are pouting but both have three outfits and a new haircut

Lydia: we'll be leaving tonight and arriving around the same time as Kira and Liam

Lydia: and I have outfits for everyone

Lydia: yes even you Derek

Cora: even me?

Allison: *watches intently*

Lydia: you have style so you'll be bringing your own clothes

Lydia: don't make me regret this hale

Cora: wouldn't dream of it

Stiles: anyone suddenly feel like a third wheel?

Liam: ^

Kira: ^

Isaac: ^

Derek: I should have blocked you all when I had the chance

Stiles: you love us!

Isaac: you can try to fight it but you won't win

Scott: face it we've wormed our way into your heart

Stiles: you can try to act all tough and icy but we all know your just a teddy bear with a killer glare

Isaac: face it Derek you can pretend that we don't know you but we do

Scott: and we know that you are just as sappy as us and watch the notebook willingly

Stiles: well it's not like that's the worst movie

Liam: yeah I kinda like it

Lydia: as you all should

Allison: we should have movie night

Kira: we should!

Isaac: like a movie marathon or we all pick one movie and watch all of them?

Cora: so Star Wars will definitely be picked my Stiles or Allison

Stiles: you do know I like other movies right

Scott: whoever can figure out what Stiles full name is gets to pick the first movie

Scott: and it Stiles actually says it himself he gets to pick since he hates people knowing his full name

Stiles: this is betrayal

Malia: I don't know how to spell his last name

Allison: Isaac just let out the weirdest mix of a squeak and giggle at that

Liam: don't Scott and Lydia know his name?

Lydia: not his middle name

Scott: and we have no idea how to pronounce to spell his first name

Kira: is his name even on his driver's license or school ID?

Stiles: no one can say it and all my teachers gave up on it a long time ago

Derek: it's Mieczyslaw Genim Stilinski

(A/n I've decided Genim is his middle name)

Stiles: how the fuck

Liam: how do you even say that

Isaac: so you just never had a normal name at all

Isaac: like not even a normal middle name

Allison: it looks like a pretty name on paper

Kira: it's not a terrible name it's just different

Stiles: oh gee thanks everyone

Private chat with Cora and Derek

Cora: so you just know his full name like that?

Cora: wow Derek you got it bad

Derek: I don't know what your talking about

Cora: sure you don't

Stiles&Malia got banned from a coffee shop

Malia: I'm just going to call him Stiles

Lydia: so Derek gets to pick the first movie

Teen Wolf group chat but it's gayWhere stories live. Discover now