The Queen and her jester

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Scott: I wanna be a unicorn

Isaac: then be a unicorn?

Stiles: let your inner unicorn shine

Scott: I'm gonna let my inner unicorn shine!

Stiles: be the unicorn dude

Isaac: embrace your inner unicorn

Scott: I'm the unicorn

Isaac: yes you are

Liam: why do I feel like they've had this conversation before but with a few different words?

Allison: I hate it when Stiles and Isaac get along

Allison: shit just gets really weird when they do

Kira: ^

Malia: let's all be glad that out of those three only stiles can get drunk

Cora: drunk stiles is a scary thought just by itself

Scott: nah Stiles is a giggly drunk and he's just more goofy and relaxed

Lydia: sometimes

Allison: yeah other times he's somehow more crazy

Derek: I'm concerned about the fact that this implies you three get drunk together

Liam: ^

Liam: but I also really want to hear all the crazy stories so I have no problem putting my concern aside

Cora: ^

Kira: we have everything ready for the movies!

Isaac: I will not be removed from this couch

Isaac: the rest of you can have the floor

Malia: Allison just stood up and sat on Isaac's stomach

Stiles: what about Scott?

Liam: he's laying on the ground right by the couch

Lydia: Stiles where are you?

Stiles: take a guess

Lydia: oh

Kira: wait what?

Stiles: she left me at the freaking store!

Liam: she- she what

Lydia: it's not my fault that you walked off

Derek: I can't stand anyone but Kira and sometimes Malia so hurry up

Cora: well fuck you Derek

Liam: honestly that's fair

Isaac: I was your beta!

Derek: the key word there is was

Allison: you are tearing this family apart!

Lydia: and if you all keep this up then no one gets snacks

Stiles: well I mean-

Stiles: some of us will

Stiles: Kira is our favorite so she definitely gets snacks

Kira: yes!

Scott: I wanna watch the movie!

Liam: I thought you wanted to be a unicorn

Isaac: he is the unicorn

Scott: I am the hottest unicorn

Stiles: you are thee unicorn

Allison: what the fuck you guys

Malia: Derek really just took one look at his phone and then got up and left the room

Cora: I can't blame him

Liam: okay fine whatever but can we start the movie?

Lydia: your queen and her jester have arrived

Stiles: you can call me that the day you get me one of those hats with the bells on it

Malia: but you already have one?

Scott: nah that one got all torn up

Stiles: and I can always have more than one

Isaac: get me another scarf and I'll get you one

Cora: alright enough just start the movie

Allison: Derek get back in here

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