The Pack of Gays and IHOP

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Liam has changed Pool Party Is A Go to The Pack of Gays

Liam: I felt like we needed a change

Stiles: you sir have good taste

Liam: why thank you

Isaac: Stiles did you ever go to sleep???

Stiles: I legally don't have to answer that

Lydia: oh he fell asleep

Cora: for about three hours only but he did go to sleep

Allison: shhhhh I'm sleeping

Kira: I don't know about the rest of you but I'm ready for the day!

Malia: everyone shut up

Derek: three types of people

Scott: did he just?

Liam: Stiles fell off his chair after choking on his weird coffee and Cora is staring at her phone in shock

Stiles: look my coffee might an a more than usual amount of sugar but it's fine

Lydia: stiles you once asked for ten shots of expresso and twelve shots of caramel and then you dumped like ten packets of sugar in your coffee

Malia: don't forget when he adds energy drinks to his coffee

Isaac: stiles how are you alive

Stiles: I feel so attacked right now

Kira: I like his coffee it tastes good

Scott: I'm sorry what

Scott: you actually drank it?

Scott: and didn't go into a sugar coma?

Cora: we better now have to deal with two of you now

Liam: ^

Stiles: look it does this weird mix of calming me down but also making me hyper

Private chat with Stiles and Lydia

Lydia: I think I'm going to ask her out this week

Stiles: wait really? Good for you Lyds!

Lydia: I know it's stupid but

Stiles: Lydia I love you and we both know that whatever your feeling isn't stupid. If you aren't ready to ask her out then don't. But sometimes you have to just do it even if it scares you shitless

Lydia: wise words for someone who won't do the same

Stiles: he doesn't like me like that not the way Cora is so obliviously in love with you

Stiles: now go tell Allison the great news and if you need our help should probably ask Allison since she's at least dated who's she in love with even if it was at different times

Lydia: as if I'll need help I just have to get over my nerves

Stiles: want me to get everyone busy so you can be alone?

Lydia: please

The Pack of Gays

Scott: I'm hungry

Allison: you just ate!

Isaac: I'm also hungry

Allison: you also just ate!

Malia: stiles told me to tell all of you that we're going out to eat

Lydia: I'll be making a quick stop at a store would anyone like to come with me?

Malia: Stiles says that he needs Liam's help

Allison: I'd love to but I should keep an eye on Isaac and Scott

Cora: I'll go if you want?

Lydia: wonderful!

Liam: Malia you said Stiles wanted my help!

Malia: whoops

Liam: wait where's Derek?

Kira: he's busy

Private chat with Kira and Derek

Derek: he fell asleep on me

Kira: yup

Derek: Cora saw

Kira: yup

Derek: he talks in his sleep

Kira: Derek you are my best friend and so I say this in the nicest way possible

Kira: grow a pair and ask Stiles out

Derek: everyone is convinced that your innocent and sweet but I know the truth

Derek: and we will both pretend this didn't happen

Kira: you know I'm not all innocent and sweet and I know that you are a weak weak man when it comes to Stiles Stilinski

The Pack of Gays

Stiles: now that everyone is ready where should we go to eat?

Scott: Chinese!

Isaac: let's just get a bunch of stuff from the store

Allison: I could go with IHOP

Malia: pizza

Liam: McDonald's!!

Kira: pancakes!

Derek: why are you all like this?

Lydia: well Cora and I are off to get some things

Stiles: okay so Allison was the only one who said where so IHOP it is and they have pancakes for Kira, pizza for Allison, probably something for Liam that's similar enough to McDonald's, I know Isaac likes the steak and egg breakfast there and Scott loves the milkshakes so he won't complain.

Stiles: Derek you don't get a choice and Lydia you and Cora meet us there who you finish

Scott: stiles this is why

Isaac: ^

Liam: can we just go eat now?

Derek: I'm going to be stuck paying aren't I?

Allison: without a doubt

Malia: duh

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