Breaking, Cora and Lydia get together

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Stiles, Allison, and Lydia private chat

Allison: so????

Stiles: I can't handle the suspense

Allison: and literally everyone here eats like an actual wild animal

Stiles: let me just say that Kira can eat a surprisingly huge amount of food in such a small amount of time

Allison: ^

Allison: I'm honestly impressed and jealous of that fact

Lydia: would you rather talk about the pack of animals and Kira or my new girlfriend and I?

Stiles: OH MY GOD

Allison: I'm so proud of you!

Lydia: I'm really happy that I finally told her

Stiles: So is Allison

Stiles: she's literally vibrating in her seat and squealing

Stiles: Isaac and Scott are both trying to move away from her without her noticing

Allison: let me be excited for my best friend!

Allison: so are you both going to tell the others or?

Lydia: we will soon

The Pack of Gays

Cora: hey dipshits I have a girlfriend now

Lydia: as do I

Liam: wait a minute

Liam: oH

Liam: yay!

Scott: I'm proud of you both!

Isaac: ^

Malia: great use of words Isaac

Malia: also good for the both of you to finally ask each other out

Isaac: stiles you really have to stop teaching her to be sarcastic

Kira: I'm so happy for you both!

Derek: you would think my own sister who has been pinning for months would tell me this in private first but apparently not

Cora: I was not pinning!

Stiles: even I could tell you were pinning but to be fair you aren't the only one here who did that/is doing that

Lydia: neither of us were pinning

Allison: sureeeee

Allison: now hurry up and get over to the restaurant so we can all celebrate!

Kira: Unless you want some privacy!

Liam: can we all agree that Kira is the best of us?

Malia: yes

Stiles: oh definitely

Isaac: I mean- Scott is pretty great as well

Scott: aww thanks Isaac!

Allison: thanks Isaac

Isaac: wait no! I mean yes but

Liam: oh look food is here

Malia: and now we leave this awkward conversation

Stiles: and away we go!

Kira: those three are something else

Derek: which three are you talking about?

Kira: both?

Stiles: do you ever wonder why we call eggs eggs?

Scott: or toast toast

Derek: why are you both like this?

Stiles: now we don't have time to unpack all that

Lydia: your queen has arrived

Kira: now that we've all finished breakfast what should we do now?

Stiles: I gotta go visit my dad so you all are on your own for the next few hours

Kira: I should actually go visit my own parents

Scott: yeah my mom wanted to have lunch with me

Cora: okay so we should all meet up at the Lydia's place in a few hours?

Stiles: affirmative sister of sourwolf

Cora: I-

Derek: congratulations Stiles you made her speechless

Stiles: I'm so proud

Stiles: and dad wants you over for lunch was well so make sure your furry ass is there by like 2pm

Derek: oh of course. Wouldn't want to disappoint the Stilinski's now would I?

Stiles: of course not

Liam: okaaaaay then

Liam: I'm gonna go visit Mason and some others

Stiles: coughTheocough

Malia: oh wow I wonder who others are

Scott: yeah okay we really gotta have you both stop hanging out

-many hours later because I am lazy-

Scott: okay I'm about to arrive in like five minutes

Liam: ten for me

Lydia: Cora and I are already here

Kira: just got here! Malia is with me

Allison: me and Isaac are about to leave right now

Cora: this is where you Stiles or you Derek give us a reply

Stiles: sorry uh yeah we're on our way

Teen Wolf group chat but it's gayWhere stories live. Discover now