Sciles bromance

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(A/n: I will be updating my one shot book but that requires actually writing and plot. This here is a train wreck)


Allison: it's like 2am???

Cora: who woke me up?

Lydia: Scott there better be a good reason for this

Liam: I just fell asleep dude

Kira: I'm busy with homework so

Isaac: what happened now?

Derek: I've learned a long time ago I'll never have a normal sleep schedule with all of you being idiots

Scott: okay first of all sorry to everyone who was woken up. This wasn't meant for the group chat and Derek screw you

Scott: we all know you never had a good sleep schedule Cora told us so

Derek: oh how nice

Derek: betrayed by my last living sibling

Cora: you know it


Isaac: that's not a normal reaction to being woken up at a weird time

Malia: he wasn't asleep

Stiles: I don't sleep

Kira:....I want to be surprised

Stiles: rude Kira


Scott: DUDE

Stiles: is that a "you fucked up" dude or a "guess what" dude or a "super excited because" dude or "oh no we're in trouble" dude?

Scott: uh two and three

Stiles: I am pleasantly surprised

Cora: why- you know what that's also not surprising

Stiles: once again. Rude

Scott: okay so I was reading this book for school

Cora: you?

Lydia: huh

Scott: and apparently there's this new medicine their trying to develop to help cats with heart disease!

Stiles: dude no

Scott: dude yes!

Stiles: that's awesome!

Scott: and there's this program their having here where we can sign up to help make it for a few weeks!

Stiles: and your gonna do it!???

Scott: I talked to my professor and they said they'll put be at the top of the list!

Stiles: DUDE

Scott: I KNOW

Stiles: video call now and we are celebrating tonight!

Lydia: wait for it

Liam: here it comes

Stiles: now that he's distracted listen her you little shits

Stiles: Scottie is a dumbass but he's not stupid and he's my best friend. He loves what he does and if he gets excited and wants to rant about something new he's learned you will let him do so.

Stiles: peace werewolves banshee human and others

Derek: why did he have to be so dramatic?

Lydia: it's stiles

Malia: ^

Kira: alright night everyone!

Liam: night

So I wrote this like ten times and decided on this because my mind went blank. Anyways yes Scott is a dumbass but he's not stupid. He just has different strengths and in this house we acknowledge that.

Teen Wolf group chat but it's gayWhere stories live. Discover now