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Stiles: I find it completely unfair that you all get to see me asleep and yet I haven't seen pictures of any of you for months

Liam: well good morning to you as well

Isaac: awww the puppy is saying good morning to his mom

Lydia: oh shush Isaac no need to get jealous your still the original puppy of our family

Cora: yeah Isaac

Malia: I want deer

Stiles: Malia no we've talked about this

Allison: I love the chaotic friendship of you both but I also wish you both didn't have so many inside jokes

Scott: yeah I want my best friend back :(

Stiles: no she's not joking

Stiles: aww don't worry buddy your still my best friend


Malia: just one bite?

Lydia: you can go deer hunting later right now I need everyone's attention

Allison: :O bestie is talking now

Scott: yes?

Stiles: yup?

Malia: what

Isaac: :O I don't know what's happening but I want to join

Liam: huh

Cora: Derek get on

Derek: what

Kira: wait for me!

Lydia: spring break is coming up and I will be throwing a party and all of you have to come

Lydia: that includes you as well Derek

Stiles: if you didn't scare me so much I'd be upset that I had to stop what I was doing for that

Allison: Lydia scares you but big werewolves about to kill you don't?

Isaac: stiles you got issues

Isaac: but then again we all do soooo

Scott: I could be concerned about that ^ but he's not wrong

Cora: if this is everyone's way of having a mental breakdown together I'm out

Kira: back to the party what should we wear?

Lydia: I'll be choosing everyone's outfits

Lydia: since I'm not that far from Stiles and Malia both of you will go shopping with me since you both need a new wardrobe

Stiles: what? No

Malia: will we get those pretzels from the mall

Stiles: My clothes are perfectly fine

Liam: all you wear is flannel and shirts and jeans that aren't your size

Allison: I'll convince Lydia to not throw away all your clothes and get you new ones if you let her get you at least three outfits

Scott: I love that Malia is perfectly fine with it as long as there's food

Malia: is that a yes to pretzels or a no

Lydia: it's a yes

Lydia: Stiles you don't get a choice in this we are getting you clothes for the party that look good and actually fit you

Cora: as fun as this is I have places to be

Isaac: ^

Derek: exactly what kind of party am I being forced to go to?

Teen Wolf group chat but it's gayWhere stories live. Discover now