The breadline

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After the story had explained itself both Simon and Grace seemed more relaxed in the company of each other. It was nearing 10 and Simon knew he had to be home if he was to sleep well and be refreshed enough to shoot their video tomorrow. It was a rather physical activity and he knew he needed rest if he was going to have to put up his whole jolly charade all day.

"Come I'll walk you home" Simon ushered, his words forming a shadow of cold air.

"It's around 40 minutes away, I don't expect you to do that"

"Do you drive" Simon asked

"Even if I could how would I run a car" she laughed heartily.

It was the first genuine smile he had received all night, and he was happy with that.

"My place isn't too far, I could always just grab my car and drive you over" He offered

"Don't be silly" she shook her head.

"I insist, I've enjoyed speaking to you Grace"

Finally, some truth in his words. Honesty felt like a second language to him nowadays.

"You're dedicated to Cassia if you come here everyday"

"As I said, I come so I can finally find an answer. I know I can't care for her myself, it isnt possible but I do sit everyday and pray theres anoher way I can get her away from them and still have a happy life. She's happy for now, but I can tell it won't last. She will mess up once and end up in my position. They're using my child as a pawn so my dad's new wife can feel like she has had the opportunity to be a mother"

"I understand where you're coming from"

He could empathize with the situation. It was difficult and made him think of his own parents. They were ecstatic at the idea of becoming grandparents, so how did it end up Grace ended up having everyone turn on her? Simon knew his mother was desperate for a grandchild and Simon being Simon messed it up. Now the chances of that happening were very very slim.

Luckily Simon's car wasn't parked too close to his own home, he knew she didn't host immediate danger but he still had to be secretive. JJ was living with him too, and the Sidemen channel was growing everyday so things like addresses needed to be kept hidden.

The both of them slid in the car easily and Simon ushered the phone in her direction opening maps to type in her address. The sat Nav give a rough estimate at around 25 minutes. If he wasn't mistaken, it was rather close and Simon wondered how she was managing keeping up with rent in such a high expensed area.

The car ride was comfortable, one of JJ's songs coming up as Grace chuckled and sang along.

"I hear this song often in supermarkets, good voice in honesty"

"Bet he's a douchebag" Simon joked finally coming to a standstill.

On the outside, it seemed like just a regular semi detached flat. A little lack of TLC gardening wise but other than that Simon didn't see an issue.

"Are you coming" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Simon wondered her intentions by the statement but followed none the less.

Inside, the home was tabby and small but didn't seem overly dirty or the regular stereotypical house of someone with no job. It seemed well kept, the wallpaper tearing in certain areas but overall the house was humbling to Simon. It not only made him realise what he has but it made him appreciate it a whole lot more.

"The TV works but only on 3 channels" She ushered to the Tv in far corner.

It was rather small compared to his own Tv but it reminded him of being around his grandparents house. As a child, his parents weren't ever the most financially stable so experiences like this he was definitely grateful for to remind him to stay grounded.

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