Holidays and Hooligans

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Once all the boys were settled into their apartments, Ethan took his suitcase and rolled it into Harry's room. The boys never needed more than 2 rooms between them and often shared. It never bothered any of them and having holidays like this humbled them.

"Oi Behz, since when were you sharing my room" Harry whined leaning against his bedpost.

"You do realise we're sharing with Simon. He hasn't shared a hotel bedroom since 2016. I'm sure on one holiday he point blank refused and booked into a hotel on his own"

"Oh yeah, Forgot we were sharing with Simon"

Ethan knew Harry the most out of the boys and the two had a close blond. Everyone was slightly segregated into groups in the Sidemen. The people they'd do stuff with the most, go out with, confide in etc.

Ethan usually paired with Harry since they lived above each other, Simon and JJ since they shared an apartment and Vikk, Josh and Tobi were more reserved and spent their time enjoying streaming on games together.

Simon however lately didn't choose to spend time with even JJ. Of course no one had mentioned it in the groupchat to seem like they were ganging up against him but between a few of them they noticed he'd become a little reserved. They assumed it was down to the break up, but he didn't seem sad. He just didn't show anything. None of the boys could recall seeing him cry once since the break up. If things got too tense they just assumed he would book somewhere and ignore everyone.

It wasn't healthy for him, Ethan knew this himself. Ethan chose a different approah to exclusion though. He chose tocounteract his sadness into hapiness to throw the boys off. Only when he developed his alcohol addiction did the boys truly notice how much he was struggling. He could choose to speak to the boy and potentially ruin Simon and everyone else's holiday or leave it until they were home. An appropriate time never seemed to arise.

"Ethan, don't suppose you have any sort of chocolate in them bags" Simon appeared in the doorway "I'm starving"

"I do actually he raised his eyebrow grinning.

"Oh, what a dub" Harry played with him "I thought he'd have eaten it in the uber here"

"Apparently the other boys aren't even going for dinner, they're just going straight out"

"Josh is bad on alcohol when he doesn't eat. but i suppose he has tobi and Vikk, so it won't be as bad for him if he gets completely scrambled"

Ethan threw the chocolate bar to him which Simon nodded to and left the room.

"Why does he always seem so distant nowadays" Harry asked puzzled "Can't remember the last time I had a lengthy conversation with him"

"I speak to him a lot, but it's usually always over training. If I dare change the subject he just ignores the messages and leaves the convo there" Ethan shrugged "Simon hasn't been split from Talia for that long if you think about it, probably still trying to get over that"

"Still mad why no one knows how or why they broke up. I think they looked good together personally"

"So did I, not even JJ knows. Talia won't tell a soul either so it must be pretty big"

"I mean, we're all single now, no harm in going to an adult club" Harry smirked

"You think a strip club will cure his heartache" Ethan scoffed "nice touch bog"

"I have genius brains, what can I say"

The boys had decided to Ft the others whilst they ate dinner.

"That actually looks nice" Josh commented sitting centre of the screen.

"Too bad you didn't order yourself you idiot" Simon took a slice and ate it quickly.

"Listen, I was down to order food but these two couldn't decide between indian and chinese so i've settled for a bag of these" Josh replied holding out his bag of quavers.

"Hopefully they line your stomach a little Zerka" Ethan chuckled.

"Or ambulance time for you" Harry added.

"Get the stretcher out" Simon boomed.

"That was literal one time"

"You say that like history can't repeat itself" Vikk exclaimed "such an idiot josh"

"Should we set a challenge" JJ asked.

He had not long since got back from the Conference and had already eaten that he confirmed when he entered with some chicken and rice.

"Yeah sure why not" Ethan agreed.

"First team to get a selfie with 10 people that are from London has to do a forfeit on the next sidemen video we do. Sound good?"

"I'm adding a proposal. We have to find 1 willing female to take part in our next sidemen tinder"

"That's not a bad idea either" Simon shrugged "let's do it. Ethan end the call"

"Guess I'm the one who has to approach all of these females then" Ethan laughed.

"Harry speaks to women like so awkwardly" Simon shook his head in defeat "the most he'd get is a sympathy picture"

"Oi, thanks for having faith in me"

"You're welcome"

Simon was of course still stuck to the same old bland clothes he always wore. A pink tie dye sidemen T shirt with some white shorts and his white airforce. Harry was going out in some baggy shorts and his famous Dr pepper jumper and Ethan had chosen some plaid shorts with his yellow moncler t shirt. Ethan had started to take nights out seriously again where neither Harry or Simon really cared much. Simon had no interest in entertaining people and Harry simply didn't care enough to. The perfect match really.

"Let's go then boys"

By 9pm, Simon was feeling a slight buzz and actually started to enjoy himself. He was sure it was down to the double vodkas being shoved his way but none the less he was enjoying his night to full capacity.

"Kneck it in 5 Si" Ethan clambered shoving an unknown drink in his face.

within seconds, Simon had sent it tunnelling down the back of his throat and wiped his lips in victory. He was impressed with how much the lads actually provided him entertainment.

"Honestly lads, I could keep these coming. They're actually nice" Simon explained heartily.

This lads holiday was going to be fun. He could feel it.


Hey! "The holiday" will consist of 3 chapters...
Vote and comment who's your favourite sidemen character😌

S x

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