The Holiday 💫3💫

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The atmosphere was buzzing and the boys were making the most of their night.

"So Si, having a good night" Ethan asked patting his back "we finally got you smiling"

"Yeah" Simon smiled truthfully "feels nice to be out of the house for once"

"I know, none of us have been on holiday for months" Harry wormed himself into the bubble "Even if it is just for two days"

"I mean, we can go away at the end of the year after JJ's fight" Ethan shrugged "I see no harm in it"

"Yeah we may as well do"

Simon was ecstatic tonight. He truly had many feelings of euphoria roaming round his brain and his insecurities and worries vanished. He had no feelings of sadness and tonight he was making the most of it. It wasn't often he was happy and worry free.

It angered him more a lot of the time he had no reason to feel so bad most of the time. That was the difficulty with mental health. He felt he didn't deserve pity without a valid reason, so he kept his feelings to himself. He didn't want to be pitied especially when he didn't feel he had a reason to be.

"Harry suggested we head over town" Ethan grinned "there's a 'friendly' little bar across there"

"So you mean a strip club" Simon chuckled "you guys are impossible to deal with"

"Go and eye up some hot girls" Harry smiled cheekily "I know I will be doing"

Simon couldn't object to this. He didn't exclusively not enjoy being around women or finding them attractive. It was just, he didn't feel that way about Talia. It wasn't a relationship, it took him a while to understand their relationship status deteriorated soon after his realisation. She didn't accept his reasoning and he couldn't blame her. May as well make the most of the night whilst he wasn't thinking rationally.

When they had been there for a while, Both Ethan and Harry were shocked by the interaction Simon was actually making around other females. He wasn't awkward, he didn't look nervous and anxious and he didn't mind being in physical contact with them either. A few girls had approached him in a flirty manner and Simon had talked to them with ease, a lot better than Ethan had managed tonight.

"He's really been in a complete state for the past few months, we bring him to a strip club and it's like therapy" Harry shook his head in disbelief. "Amazing"

"It's how long this will last once the alcohol wears off" Ethan sighed "I've got a feeling he won't feel like this in a few hours. He'll be back to himself. Reserved and full of regret"

"Fuck it, get him wasted for the full weekend, hope it can make him forget a little"

"Alcohol isn't the only way out" Ethan corrected him "name a time it's ever worked for us"

Harry pondered for a moment trying to think of a valid reason "yeah you're right. It hasn't" he added with a chuckle.

"Then we should probably get out of here and go do something a little more mind activating. Maybe golf"

"Mate, I can't hardly see straight. How are you expecting me to play golf" Harry held his friends shoulder in support.

"That's what's funny" Ethan replied "Simon. Change of location"

Simon took another shot to his system and joined his friends. He'd spoken to a lot of people tonight and most of them were nice. He didn't need to speak much in detail, it was mostly just flirty and kind gestures so it didn't fuss him much. What were the boys planning for him now though.

"We're off to golf" Ethan announced.

Simon shook his head in shock. Were they really going to try attempt golf in this state?

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