Just banta....

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Happy was something Simon was today. He had managed to fit in a full gym session with all of the boys and now was heading off back home for a little while before picking Grace up from her shift. It would be good to spend some time with JJ before he went back to LA anyways.

He was met with a loud sneeze and shortly after Harry was in front of him, on his knees obviously having fell off the sofa.

"Seriously Bogo, again?" Simon chuckled.

"It was him the fat twat, he bloody made me jump the stupid arsehole"

"Ayyooo, say it again" JJ joked back playfully, wrestling the boy back to the floor.

"I'm sure I can calm him down" Simon laughed hastily climbing onto JJ's back so he would finally let go of Harry.

"So it's 2v1 now, I see. Such a traitor Simon"

"As he said, you're porky now"

"He's not wrong there, Logan's not going to know what hit him, you're basically the size of a tank" Ethan laughed cheerfully.

"Better than Ethan who was just fat" Harry clapped back cheekily.

"Alright, says the one with the autism"

'Never been diagnosed" Harry shrugged "probably true though"

"Obviously it's fucking true you idiot" Ethan giggled hysterically.

"That's why his mum never let him get the vaccines remember" Josh joined into the conversation suddenly.

Simon didn't even know Josh had arrived yet.

"Where's Vikk"

"Jacking off to mine-craft pigs" Simon hit back smartly.

"You're never going to let Deji go over that are you" JJ laughed with his friend.

By this point Harry was conquered and on the floor and JJ was exhausted and flunked into the sofa, Simon lay on his chest as some sort of human pillow. His friend was comfortable.

"Has JJ even mentioned to you guys about La" Simon quizzed.

He knew if they were to plan, they'd need to do it in the upcoming few weeks. There were rare occasions where the boys filmed on their main channel without someone being in it. So they needed to know if everyone was available.

"We've literally already planned a date. Do you not even look in the groupchat" Harry scoffed.

"Sometimes when I'm bored" Simon fired back, smirking slightly.

"Ouch" Harry held his chest "I'm sorry were such an inconvenience"

"Yea you are" Simon pretended to be angry "now get out you cunt". With this, he was attempting to reference a regular cockney accent, but he wasn't sure everyone had understood the punchline.

Ethan laughed however. It didn't take much to get him to crack. He found humour in anything around himself. Simon envied him really, but he also acknowledged at one point even Behzinga himself had issues with mental health. He wasn't always as bubbly as he was nowadays.

"Anyone fancy a game of keepy uppies" Harry started the game, the ball balancing on his foot.

Within seconds the ball had crashed into a tripod, and successfully knocked over Simons laptop. It was only for Harry's completely shocked face that he let him off. He was too busy being a crumbling mess laughing at the shock on his face to even care about the laptop.

When Simon checked his phone, it was nearing 3pm and he knew she was finishing around 3:30. Luckily Grace didn't work too far away, but he thought it best publicity wise that he drove to and from destinations to avoid being sighted with her. He wasn't exactly hiding her from everyone else. He didn't want Talia to get the wrong impression, that was literally all that mattered.

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