Chapter 2

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Today was the day I got married to a complete stranger. Yes I hadn't even seen my future husband in person, much less speak to him. I had tried reaching out a couple of times but there had been no response.

I sighed and straightened my dress again. The wedding would be a small affair with only close family and friends and absolutely no media, just like I wanted it to be. At least he was on the same page with me on that. I had left the wedding preparations to my and Nathan's grandmothers, and they had gone all out with it. Simple but elegant and rich. And jaw-dropping beautiful. The wedding dress was the only thing of my choice.

 The wedding dress was the only thing of my choice

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My grandfather walked me down the aisle. I felt no excitement or joy, no tears of happiness, just plain curiosity for this new chapter of my life. Like a brand new book that I'm waiting to read. I looked at the man awaiting me on the altar, and I must admit, he was a really handsome man. He had dark hair and eyes, with a well defined jaw and a slight tan. He wore a sleek black suit and his hair was neatly done to give him a look of a Disney Prince, but if they were more on the sexier side. But I had learnt a long time back, not to judge a book by its cover. Evil people often have the prettiest faces. His eyes were on me as I walked towards him, trailing down and taking me in. His face was stoic, void of any emotions. He didn't seem too excited about the wedding. Well, the feeling was mutual.

My approach to the marriage and new husband would be completely civil until I'm aware of the person he truly is. Since I didn't get a chance to know him before the wedding, I'll have to spend some time after marriage estimating him. If he is enough to be my partner and to start a new life with, it'll be a blessing if we can have a friendly relationship. But if I can't trust him or we don't get along well then, it'll be a cordial relationship, where we meet once a while and make small talk and put on a farce for the sake of our families. But if he turns out to be a rude monster, then I'm sorry, but I'm going to get up and leave.

I know you must be thinking, "Who the hell will think of all that while walking down the aisle?" Well let's just say, I learnt my lesson early on. I'm not going to put my heart and hopes out where it can be trampled on. Again.

The whole ceremony passed on in a blur, and we exchanged our vows. When the priest declared, 'you may now kiss the bride,' that was the first time we looked at each other, like really looked. His piercing eyes met my gaze. There was a challenge there, looking to see if I'd look away. But to his dismay, I didn't. I held his gaze and gave him an equally cold look, like the one he was giving me. Still looking at me, he leaned forward, so that his head was towards the crowd. But just as he was about to kiss my lips, I tilted my head a little bit to the side, so that his kiss landed on the side of my mouth. He quickly pulled back and glared at me.

The crowd, oblivious to the whole situation, began cheering and clapping. He took my hand in his and we walked out of the church together.

The car ride was quite with neither of us bothering to speak. Not that I minded. He just sat there in a brooding silence, but I could tell he was fuming. Whether it was because of the kiss situation or otherwise I couldn't tell. I didn't bother to ask but continued looking out of the window. I know that this was a bad start, but I was not what ready to make the first step. Why should it always be me making the first move?

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