Chapter 27

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The whole Saturday after our movie night Friday, Nathan spent in Hannah's arms. And the worst part was they were in the house being a loved up couple, when I was under the same roof. It was annoying, coming out for food or water only to see them cuddling or making out on the couch where the two of us fell asleep just the night before. Nathan ignored me the whole day, not even sparing me a glance as his whole attention was on Hannah as she gossiped to him about some friend she didn't like. It was as if I had dreamt about us becoming friends and getting to know each other. His words from the morning was still ringing in my head. How quickly he had belittled me infront of his girlfriend how he told her I meant nothing to him, hurt me in a way. To hear that you are worthless in the eyes of someone who is supposed to be your partner for life is a pain of a different level and I was experiencing it.

It was Sunday morning and I was at the breakfast table as Marie served me pancakes. As I was eating breakfast, Hannah strode in the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and dressed in only a shirt that belonged to my husband. Barefoot and her hair messy, she sat down on the dining table opposite me.

"Goodmorning Hailey," she chirped in a cheerful voice with a smirk on her face. She knew that I could hear all the noises they were making last night and now she was even displaying the evidence of their night activities in the form of a huge hickey on her neck.

"Hannah," I said in a gruff tone, not bothering to look up at her.

"Pancakes?" She shrieked at Marie as she tried to serve her."I hate pancakes! Go make me something with less calories. Preferably something that salad or with fruits. I have to maintain this body for my love."

I scoffed and continued reading the newspaper in front of me. At that moment, Nathan chose make an entrance. He was also half dressed, just like his mistress, wearing only a navy blue sweatpants and his toned abs were on display for everyone to see.

"Morning," he greeted to no one in particular, as he moved towards Hannah to plant a kiss on her cheek.

It kind of reminded me of my parents, how my dad would always kiss her cheeks and wish her goodmorning. What would I not give, to have my husband kiss me to wish me goodmorning, to sit at the breakfast table with my family and discuss our plans for the day, for my partner to ask me how I slept and what I dreamt of. But even though my husband was sitting at the breakfast table with me, he wasn't sitting by my side but by the side of his mistress, and wasn't kissing me but her.

Hannah wrapped her arms around Nathan and kissed him full on the lips, pressing herself against him. Part of me was telling me to get up and leave that room, but my pride wouldn't let me do that. This was my house and my kitchen. I could have my breakfast in my own leisurely time and not have to make it quick because of the two insufferable people.

Marie came in with coffee for Nathan and made a disgusted face at the sight of the two making out in the kitchen. She looked at me worriedly but I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sir, your coffee," Marie Said causing the two to break their deep kiss.

"What would you like for breakfast?" She asked him.

"Whatever's made," he told her.

"Where's my breakfast?" Hannah barked at her.

"I'm preparing you a fruit salad, mam" Marie said fearfully.

"Well make it quick," she ordered. I didn't like the way she was talking to Marie, especially since Marie was an older woman.

"Fruit salad baby?" Nathan asked her. "You need to eat more than that. Something more healthy and nutritious."

"It's fine babe," she replied cooly. "I have to maintain my figure. I'm a model remember? It takes pain to look beautiful all the time."

All through breakfast, they continued to show affection as they fed each other and exchanged meaningless conversations. Nathan tried to feed her some of his breakfast but she wouldn't eat in fears of becoming 'too fat.' When I carried on eating my breakfast, and Marie put more pancakes on my plate, Hannah sneered.

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