Chapter 30

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It was our last day in Athens. When I came back from the flea market in the evening I walked in to find Nathan and Hannah half naked and doing it on the couch in the living room of the suite. That was something I neither dreamt of nor even wanted to see. I never thought that the first time I saw my husband naked would be him screwing another woman. Needless to say, I confined myself to my chambers and didn't bother coming out because I definitely couldn't face either of them after that embarrassing encounter.

In the night, I sneaked out of my room and found that the lights were off in the suite and everything was quiet. It looked like they were sleeping. Since it was our last night in Athens I wanted to experience the night life of the city and wanted to go out but I didn't want to face and other awkward scene so I checked to make sure that they weren't in the way from my bedroom to the main door. When I saw that the coast was clear, I made a beeline to the door but just when I was a few steps away from the door, the lights came on and I was discovered trying to sneak out like a teenager.

"Hailey?" Nathan's sleepy voice called out from behind me. "Where are you going?"

I turned to find Nathan standing there wearing only his boxers and looking like a freaking sex god in the dim light. His dark hair was ruffled from sleep and his ink black eyes were sexy as sin even when filled with sleep. His features were sharp and highlighted in the orange light of the lamps, from the well kept brows, high cheekbones, well defined nose and a jaw line that could kill, there was no doubt that the man in front of me was truly handsome. But it didn't end there. My eyes trailed down to his hard chest and his abs that were proof of his daily workout routines. His muscles showed off strength and his body was worth dying for. As I was checking him out, dirty thoughts filled my head. Their little act earlier had made me horny and now I was imagining all the naughty things I could do to his body. Is it even normal to hate someone and still think they are hot?

"Out," I replied simply, trying to cover the fact that I was just checking him up. Luckily, Nathan was busy rubbing the sleep from his eyes and didn't notice.

"But it's late in the night," he said.

"It's just past nine," I pointed out. "Besides I want to experience the night life of Athens. They say the city really comes alive at night."

"Something Michael tell you?" There was mocking in his voice.

"Yes," I affirmed.

"Well it's not safe for you to go out alone in the night in this strange city. And Michael isn't here to look after you," he sneered.

"I don't need anyone to look after me," I retorted. "I can do that myself."

"Just go to bed Hailey," he said dismissively.

"You don't get to tell me what to do, Nathan," I said angrily. "I want to go out and I will!"

"Why can't you understand?" He was angry too now. "It's too late for you to go out now. Go tomorrow morning, go to sleep now."

"I don't have to listen to you," I stomped my foot like a child throwing a tantrum. Well if he treats me like a child, I'll show him what a difficult child I could be.

"Hailey," he said rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was annoyed by me. "You're not going to listen are you?"

I shook my head no, and he sighed.

"Fine than wait here, I'll come with you," he said defeated. "Just give me some time to change my clothes."

I blinked. Did this wretched man just agree to accompany me? That too after he had been avoiding me as if I was the plague itself for the past few days? I really couldn't keep up with the guys mood swings. At one moment he was so good to me and in the other it was as if I didn't exist. He would deliberately say and do things to hurt me and then he would look out for my safety like he was doing now. It was really difficult to understand what's going on in his mind.

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