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It's been a blast guys, hope you enjoy the final part of Hell Bound!!!! <3

 "Caleb, don't you dare."

I grinned.

"Caleb Grim, I swear."




"Caleb, don't."



Rachel hit the water with a loud splash, much to the enjoyment of Marcel and me. I went into full hysterics, leaning forward as I clutched my sides to stop them from splitting. Marcel on my right side had the same problem, rolling on the floor as he giggled. Although Rachel, who emerged from underwater a few seconds later, didn't not look happy.

"Caleb!" She screamed at me, her hair slick over her face. Her body bobbed up in down in the pool, her jeans and white camisole soaked through. I could see her bra.

"Stop checking your girlfriend out," my sister, Jules, said from her sunbathing chair where she had spent the last few hours. Ever since her first trip to the world of the Living, she hadn't gotten enough of the sun.

Despite her staying with us for the last four months.

I threw her a sarcastic look, hiding a mischievous smile, but knowing me all too well, she got up to help Rachel out of the pool. As my sister walked, you could see the faint traces of scars where her burns were, the same as Rachel. It was one of the few things they had in common, the scars. That, the same clothing size and their love for animals.

As if on cue, Cookie bounded out from the kitchen, the squeaky toy Jules had bought him a few weeks ago in his mouth. It was a cat head- a realistic one at that- that squeaked whenever he bit down hard enough. And let me tell you, it was often.

Jules had just managed to pull a soaking Rachel from the water, but with no time to prepare was sent in head first screaming as Cookie bounced into her arms. The Demoness and the dog splashed in together, water going everywhere, and sending Marcel and I into fits of laughter. Jules floated to the surface seconds later, her dog clutching the top of her head in shock. He was shaking, the toy still firmly in his mouth, but I could tell from the look in his eyes that he didn't like the water that much.

Jules looked up at her pet, friend and new playmate crossly. Able to read her expression, Cookie jumped regretfully back into the water, doggy paddled to land, got out and ran. He didn't even shake himself off he was that scared.

Jules on the other hand simply giggled, pulling herself out of the pool and sitting on the edge, dangling her feet in.

"He can be such a handful sometimes," she notes, wringing her hair of water. She'd changed it from blue black to a reddish brown which really suited her, and because of her appearance-changing-power, eliminated the colour running into the pool as a problem. She flicked it back over her shoulder when she was done, and returned to her lounging chair. And as quickly as she had left it was she back, ignoring us all as she soaked up the sun to her skin.

During all of that I hadn't been keeping an eye on Rachel, who'd suddenly disappeared from view. I got up to to look for her but suddenly felt a push on my back which sent me crashing forward into the pool, the freezing water biting my skin. It filled my ears and nose, and an unpleasant sensation pains my nose. I rise to the surface, spluttering and coughing as my eyes searched for the culprit.

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