Chapter Eleven: Royally Pissed

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"Holy Fuck" I muttered, the heat burning my eyes and even my skin a bit. I'd never realised just how dark Hell was, not until I'd experienced sunlight. A few seconds blinking was all it took for my eyes to adjust to the familiar glow of the star, and the setting of a train station became apparent. Why we had appeared here was unknown, but my gut told me Rachel was close by.

"I'm gonna be sick," I heard one of my siblings say from behind me. I glanced over and saw one of the twins beginning to heave against the wall, the other one comforting him. Jules had covered her face with her hands, shaking as if waiting to burn, while Seth was eyeing up a girl in hot pants a few metres away from us.

"I can see why you would fall for a Living, bro," Seth said sideways at me. He went as far as to pat me on the back. "The chicks here are smoking!"

I rolled my eyes and went over to check on Enous and Elias who had seemed to regain their composure, and were now peering around with curiosity. "This place is perplexing," Elias said in thought, nudging his twin. Enous nodded in agreement.

"Caleb, why would people wear less clothes in this sun?" he asked me, completely dazed. He looked me up and down, now noticing the shorts and t-shirt I had myself in earlier that morning to cool myself down in. I looked like an average living. "Won't they get burnt?"

I repressed a laugh, admiring their innocence, despite their age and status. You would have thought the demons malice and envy would have been more aware of the world they would spread negativity into, but living here in the world of the Living, I had realised just how little we really knew. Taking a second to reflect, I wondered why Dad had never taught us much about this world. It was beautiful. Corrupted, but truly fascinating and wonderful at the same time. How could he have kept this from us?

"Bro?" Elias snapped, clicking his fingers sharply in front of my face. I waved him away, and looked for Jules, who was now residing in the shade.

"It's so hot!" She wheezed, still shaking. I wasn't surprised she was overheating; her trench coat must have weighed a ton, reaching down to the floor to drape around her thick biker boots. Thankfully underneath that she had on just white leggings and a red tank top.

At first Jules was sceptical to taking off her coat, afraid her skin would burn on exposure, but once I'd explained and assured her she'd be fine, she slowly removed the garment. I stared down at the boots, then to my sandals, realising there was no hope for Jules's feet.

Then Seth stepped in.

"Put these on," he said, suddenly handing her a pair of slip on shoes- pumps I think Rachel had called them- which Jules took wearily.

"Where did you get those?" I asked in bewilderment, looking around for the helpless person who'd lost their footwear to Seth's charm. But I never found any.

"Seth," I started. "Where did you get those?"

Seth just smiled. "The girl at the shoe stall over there just couldn't refuse my good looks," he said, chuffed, a grin plastered on his face.

Elias coughed beside him, biting back a laugh. "Or your persuasion powers."

Seth whipped his head around to stare down the twin, his face annoyed. "I'm surprised you're so acquainted with my powers dear brother," he said cruelly, a devilish look glinting in his eyes. "Maybe I should introduce you to my powers of utter control."

Seth lunged for Elias but Enous stood in his way, his strength keeping the eldest brother at bay. The last time Seth had used his control powers, we'd had Vance afraid of everything he came into contact with, right to the point he moved back in because he was too scared of Hell.

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