Chapter Ten: Unexplained Admiration

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"Where is Rachel?!" I spat, not at all happy with the current situation. I had no idea where Rachel was, just that she was with a very murderous and ruthless Reaper who had killed her bestfriend among others. That, and he'd tried to kill her too.

She's mine.

That's what he had carved into her skin, carved into her skin as a warning to me. So if she was with him now, only the Fates knew what he would do to her.

"I have no use in knowing where that pitiful Living is," my father chuckled, dismissing me with a wave of his hand, causing me to growl. He smirked a little, noting my irritation, and began to chuckle. "I knew you were never cut out to be a Reaper, Caleb. When Jonathan is back, let me know."

He was about to cut off the link between the worlds, but I grew impatient and completely lost it.

"Don't you fucking dare, you miserable bastard!" I shouted, angry. Power was surging through me so fast that I could feel my blood literally boiling. Sparks were coming from my fists, and I caught my Dad staring in shock. "That girl means everything to me," I roared, feeling the anger bubble up in me. "I would do anything for her, and if you really think I'm going to spare that replacement of mine, you have another thing coming!" I felt my fists clenching even tighter until I unexpectedly felt my body give out, and I fell into darkness.

"Caleb, wake up."

Someone nudged my shoulder.

"He's out cold, sis."

Another nudge.

"No he isn't, just stall Dad a little longer, Micah."

This time, it was a punch.

My eyelids were heavy. I don't know what from, just that whenever I tried to open them, I didn't feel strong enough. My head was spinning. I could hardly think straight. Whenever I tried to think, the back of my head began to ache, leading me to dismiss my thoughts. I had no idea what was going on.

Something unexpectedly soft touched my forehead, followed by a cool cream which smelled of the apricots Jules would mix into her ointment.

"Caleb, get up," I heard her voice say clearly. I must have been dreaming, since it didn't sound distorted like it would normally through the links. But when I felt a hand cup my cheek, and then suddenly slap it hard, I bolted up straight.

I want to say light filled my sight when I actually managed to open my eyes, but it didn't. Instead, it was the darkness of my old bedroom, a room I had seen clearly a month ago that I now had to squint to simply see a foot in front of me.

"Jules?" I asked, unsure where I was for a moment.

My sister sat before me, a smirk plastered on her face as she stood up. Her trench coat stretched to the floor and dragged behind her as she took a seat on my bed, the lantern lighting and catching glints of her piercings.

I was back in Hell.

"You took your time, sleepy head," she laughed, patting the spot beside her for me to sit down. I stayed where I was, but smiled back at her. If I sat down, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stand again.

"Your body has grown accustomed to the Living world," a voice said behind me, a hint of pride in their tone. Spinning round, Seth came into view as he leant carelessly against my door frame before making his way in. "It means it will take a while to get used to being back home, bro."

I nodded, and looked back to Jules for answers. "How did I get back? Did you do this?"

She shook her head, her green haired pony tail swishing. "You did that all on your own little brother," she said smiling. "Looks like you finally mastered your powers in the mortal realm."

I tried to recall what had happened before I blacked out, getting images of talking to Dad through a mirror. "Where's Dad?"

"Micah and Justus are holding him off with ideas to cause another war. They want his approval, and since we're trying to hide your return, it seemed like the opportune moment to pitch their ideas," she explained, making gestures as she spoke.

"We know for a fact they may be a while though," my other older brother Elias, the demon of envy and jealously, chuckled, stepping out of the darkness that was beside my boarded up window, his twin brother Enous, the demon of malice and hatred, following close behind. The funny thing with the twins was that even though they ruled over the worst of the seven sins, they were as pleasant and polite as anything.

Although they did have their dark sides. Very dark sides.

"We need to cut to the chase though," Enous snapped suddenly, flicking his wrist to light the candles scattered around my room. I silently thanked him. "This new demon needs to meet his end, and unless we can find him within the next few days-"

"We need to find Jake," I cut in, knowing all too well  what Enous was about to say: if we waited any longer to catch Jake, or Jonathan as he preferred, then we'd soon find ourselves in a war with the above, and find ourselves exposed to the Living.

"Whose Jake?" Seth asked, puzzled. He took a moment to think, and before I could answer, realisation came over him. "Is she the boyfriend of that Living?"

I felt four pairs of eyes fall on me in disapproval. Each of them, in their own way, knew I had found some unexplained admiration for the Living, found myself romantically attracted to one in fact. And I understood they would never be able to understand how I'd fallen for Rachel so suddenly, so deep.

I nodded.

"Look," Seth carried on, rolling his eyes. "I get that you ... have feelings for Rosa-"

"Rachel," I irritatedly corrected. Seth ignored me.

"Forget the name, but we're not going to trail down your pet's toy boy because you're jealous."

This was where I fumed. "Jake is Jonathan you idiot!" I shouted, getting up a little too quickly. Nausea washed over me, causing my head to feel dizzy and my legs to give out. Once again, I found myself back on the floor. Being the helpful, kind and lovely demon siblings they were, they all rushed to help me, dusting me down and checking for my health.


Sighing, I sat up on my own, my siblings watching as their youngest brother battled with his newfound Living adjustments. Jules threw me a sympathetic look, but it vanished the second Justus bounded through my door. Literally.

"Dad knows!" he shouted, immaturity leaking through his every word. The scraps of wood that had once made up my door lay broken on the floor, splinters everywhere. I kind of felt like a broken piece of wood. All over the place, with no purpose intact.

Jules got to her feet as quick as lightning, gripped my arm tight and took hold of Seth. I didn't know what was going on, but the second Enous and Elias joined up with us to form a circle, power erupted between us, a burning sensation pulsing through my veins and scorching my skin. I knew exactly what was happening when the world brightened around me, and the sound of my sibling's gasps echoed around me.

Opening my eyes, I saw a train pass by, and people rushing around us.

We were in the Living world.

OK I'm extremely annoyed since Wattpad deleted like four of my chapters from this and I lost all the votes and views and comments and it's a piss take  and yeah so just deal with it, and hopefully you'll appreciate the fact I'm re uploading them x


Song to the side is Half Gone by Straight Lines :P

oh and follow ofc :P

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