Chapter Four: Replacement Reaper

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The wail that came from Rachel's small frame was enough to even shake a demon.

"How can she be dead?!"  Rachel sobbed, holding onto Jake with all her strength. After watching the news report on Berlie's murder, Jake had called Rachel and told her he and Ella would meet her at Marcel's house next door. While Jake had been quite hostile to invite me, Rachel had been quite adamant as to letting me come. I actually had no idea why, but it certainly worked in my favour.

A few hours after waking up, Rachel, Jake, Marcel, Ella and I were seated in Marcel's room, watching the re-run of the morning report. The words 'Breaking News' flashed on the screen, and seconds later came up Berlie's high school picture. She was flashing her best smile, her lips coated in pink lip-gloss. She had cocked her head slightly to one side, with her blonde hair bone straight, all finished with a small flower tucked behind her ear. She looked exactly how she had done yesterday, perfect and prime. The only difference was that we knew she was dead now. That she'd been murdered.

"Who'd want to murder her?" Rachel cried, the tears running down her cheeks. Since finding out her best friend was no more, the tears hadn't stopped. Either it was Rachel who was crying, or Marcel. Occasionally Jake would leave the room, followed by Ella who was going to check up on him. Only I had an excuse not to shed some tears. I barely knew the girl, despite having watched her with Rachel countless of times. I hardly knew her, and frankly, I didn't really care.

Of course, I couldn't let on about that.

"It was clearly her time," I tried, hoping to lighten the mood a little. Rachel didn't look up, just carried on crying. Marcel got up and left, the faint sound of him sniffing reaching my ears.

Even though Berlie's death had dominated my day, I'd also had some development on my powers. They'd started to surface, starting with my hearing increasing to wider ranges, to my sight being able to magnify things like a telescope. It was only a matter of time until my teleporting skills returned. Then I'd be able to think myself home, back to my family.


I looked over at Rachel. I couldn't remember if she'd put on any make-up on this morning, but if she had, it had all been washed off with her tears. I felt the need to comfort her, but Jake already had that covered. I couldn't help but envy him.

Back on TV, the reporter explained how Berlie's parents had discovered their 'daring little girl' dead in bed, clearly a murder scene. For now, they were both being questioned since there had been no forced entry into their home, and the police were also looking into the charity shop owner's murder. I had to resist smiling when this came up.

The reported said that police were convinced both of the murders were not linked, but they weren't sure so early in the case. Other than that there were no further updates about the murders than that. The only other news to be covered from report was that there was now an enforced curfew for everyone still in school until the murderer was found. Unfortunately, that affected me and the others.

We stayed at Marcel's for the rest of the day, the group being hardly talkative. I made a few trips to the shops for them, feeling kind of guilty that I couldn't understand what they were going through. Wow, a demon feeling guilty. What was next? Me actually giving to charity as opposed to taking from them?

"I think I just want to go home," Rachel eventually said once the sky was darkening. Looking at the clock we realised that we had less than half an hour until the newly enforced curfew began.

Jake kept checking if Rachel wanted to come over to his for the night, but each time he asked Rachel declined. She said she just wanted to go home and sleep. Before he left, Jake gave me the dirtiest look. Someone was jealous.

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