Mikey Way x Reader - Livestream

591 21 31

Short but sweet

Y/N's P.O.V.

After a long day of organising and unpacking, I was exhausted. My Husband and I had just moved into our first home and it was beautiful.
Strangely enough, the busy day was the most fun I had in ages. Mikey and I got here relatively early and then his band showed up with breakfast, which we had to eat on the floor, considering our furniture didn't come until later on the day. With the help of our friends, we spent the entire day making everything perfect and although we were far from done, it looked amazing.

"Babe, I'm home!" I heard Mikey call. He had gone out to get us something to eat, whilst giving the guys a ride home. I was laid on the couch, half asleep, with a book in my hands.
"Babe- oh. There you are." Mikey smiled, placing the bag down.

"Who're you on the phone to?" I asked tiredly, seeing the device in his hands. He held it at eye-height and I presumed he was on FaceTime with someone. His mother, maybe?

"Livestream." He smiled, before glancing at his phone.
"It's paused right now. Do you want to say hi?"

"Yeah, sure, but I'm tired. So it won't be for long." I sat up a little, patting the seat next to me. Mikey sat down and resumed the livestream, letting me lean my head against his shoulder.
"Hey guys." I smiled at the camera. Mikey began to explain how we had spent all day moving in to our new house as I read the comments from the fans. They were so sweet, telling us we made a cute couple and that they loved us. I was lucky that the fans accepted me so much, they meant a lot to Mikey and I knew it would upset him if we didn't get along.

MCR.Fan.2001 : Aww they're such a cute couple

Em0.Bandz : I love Y/N so much she's so pretty

Mikeywaysbiggestfan : u guys must be so tired

MCRmy13525 : love from the UK

I smiled, reading through the comments and listening to Mikey speak, before I felt my eyes closing slightly. I wanted to wake up and join in with the livestream, but it really had been a long day.
I managed to wake myself up a little, when I was lifted off of the couch, looking up at Mikey in confusion.

"Mikey?" I asked tiredly and he smiled down at me.

"Hey, sleepyhead." He muttered, before I was placed down on our bed.

"What happened to the livestream?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as I slipped under the covers.

"You fell asleep. I didn't even realise until a fan asked if you were asleep." Mikey chuckled, getting under the covers next to me.
"G'night, Y/N."

"What about dinner? Aren't you hungry?" I asked, already half asleep.

"I think we're both too tired to eat tonight." Mikey muttered, pulling me back against him. I leaned into his touch.
"I love you, Mrs. Way."

"I love you too, Mr. Way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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