Dallon Weekes x Reader - Giraffe

785 24 9

R E Q U E S T E D by goth_freak

Y/N's P.O.V.

There are many advantages to working at Starbucks; free drinks, flexible hours and easy meet ups with friends, but there were disadvantages too. The awkwardness of messing up someone's order, momentary panic when trying to spell names, guys coming in and flirting an uncomfortable amount.
The pros and cons of the job didn't matter, however. I had to feed myself and pay the bills somehow, so working at Starbucks wasn't too bad, compared to my other two jobs at least. On weekends I was a waitress for a sleazy bar on the other end of town and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights I was a babysitter for 3 different families. It was exhausting, but from my hard work, I was paying for a decent sized apartment and I had a car that didn't brake down every few months.

"Y/N, customer." My manager scolded and I snapped out of my daydream.
I stood up straight and smiled at the woman.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you today?" The woman ordered her drink and was out of the coffee shop, drink in hand, in less than 5 minutes.
It was a slow day and I'd much rather be at home sleeping.
The door opened once more and a familiar face walked in.
"Hey, Giraffe, the usual?"

"Are you ever gonna stop calling me that?" The man laughed, his hair messier than usual.

"Maybe." I didn't actually know his name, but he was a regular and he always got the same drink. He had been coming here for around 5 months now. He came in a few times a week and considering I didn't know his name, I knew he was a musician, he shared an apartment with his best friend Ryan and he was tall. The last one was where he got his nickname. I asked for his name the first time he came in here, but he didn't reply, so I decided he was tall enough to be called Giraffe.

"I've not seen you in a few days." He said and I was surprised he even noticed my absence.
"Almost a week, actually. I was beginning to think my favourite barista had quit."

"Nah, you're not getting rid of me that easily." I grinned at him.
"You've got a little..." He wiped the glitter from his cheek, mumbling something about a video.
"So, what did I miss Giraffe? Did you miss me?"

"Yeah, I did actually." He smiled, his hair flopping into his face. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm serious. The other baristas here don't make my coffee as well as you do."

"Sure." I laughed and handed him his cup.

"And I missed this." He pointed to the word Giraffe on the paper cup.
"The other Baristas actually know my name and it's not as fun."

"I'm pretty sure you're name isn't Bob. You don't look like a Bob." He leaned against the counter with a smirk.

"You got me. My name isn't Bob." He took a sip of his coffee and hummed.
"Hey, you wanna see a magic trick?"

"Yeah, why not?" His grin seemed to widen.

"Have you got a pen?" He picked up a napkin and I handed him the sharpie used to write on the cups. He wrote something on the napkin, but wouldn't let me see. Once he was done, he folded the napkin and handed me the pen back, leaving the napkin on the counter, taking his coffee and walking out.

"What?" I mumbled, picking up the napkin, my eyes widening at the black ink.
I felt my cheeks burning and I quickly tucked the napkin into my pocket, before letting my manager know I was taking my break.
On the napkin was two words and multiple numbers, or to be more specific, his name and phone number.
Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I saved the contact before opening messages and hesitating.
I typed a message and sent it before I could think twice. I almost jumped when he replied seconds later.

Dallon Weekes? I think I prefer Giraffe 🦒

Did you like the magic trick?

Name and number on a napkin? Very smooth
I'll admit I wasn't expecting it

Not too forward i hope?

Not at all

Yay 😀
Do you want to maybe
Go and see some real giraffes with me?

Are you asking me to go to the zoo with you?


Like a date?


Definitely :)

Yayyy 😁

You're a child 😂

I did just ask you to come to the zoo with me what do you expect???


I can pick you up around 10am?

It's a date


Part 2 coming very soon

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