Ray Toro x Reader - Return

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Y/N's P.O.V.

We're in California, it's 2019.
Ever since the band met up again back in 2017 I've been waiting for this moment.
The return of MCR, the 'most dangerous band in the world',
my friends, my heroes, but most importantly, my family.

"You're gonna do great." I said softly to Ray and he smiled, pulling me into a hug. He had been nervous about the show ever since the tickets sold out, almost minutes after they went on sale, but now he seemed less nervous and more excited.
"I love you."

"I love you too." He grinned, his arms now wrapped loosely around my waist. He kissed my head, then my nose, before pressing a soft kiss to my lips.
"Are you gonna stay down here?"

"No, I promised I'd help Lyndsey, Jamia and Kristin with the kids." He pouted and I smiled.
"I'll see you later. You're gonna do great, Ray."

"Bye, Y/N." I kissed his cheek, before going up to the balcony.
I greeted the rest of the family, hanging around and watching the show. All of them were amazing throughout the show, Gerard back to his old sassy self and Frank grinning and singing even when he was nowhere near the microphone. We all teared up a little when the fans chanted Mikey's name as he played. And Ray... Ray was something else. I hadn't seen him play so passionately in what felt like forever.

"We've got one last song for you guys... and it might just be the one you want to hear." Gerard said into the microphone and everyone screamed as Welcome To The Black Parade started playing. I moved away from the edge of the balcony and towards backstage. I showed security my pass and they let me through happily. I made it to the side of the stage about halfway through the song, just watching them all preform like their lives depended on it.
Mikey saw me, shooting me a small smile, before going over and nudging Ray. Ray looked confused for a second, before turning his head to look at me. He didn't stop playing as he grinned at me, making eye contact.

"I love you." He mouthed and I wrapped my arms around myself as he turned back to the crowd.
As soon as the concert ended and pictures were taken, Ray came over and practically tackled me into a hug.

"I love you too." I laughed, steadying myself, before he eagerly kissed me. Frank whistled and the Way brothers laughed a little. I tapped Ray's chest and broke the kiss as I caught my breath.

"Dude, you kissed her so hard she forgot where she was." Frank snickered and Ray blushed slightly.

"I'm just glad you guys are back." I admitted.

"Yeah, me too." Mikey admitted

"We have a party to get to and wives to find." Gerard said and they left pretty quickly.

"Do we have to go to the party?" Ray stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head against mine.
"Can't we go home and do other stuff?"

"Raymond!" I giggled, hitting his hand.

"Sorry, sorry." He smiled and I turned to face him.
"No I'm not." I rolled my eyes at him and hugged him back.

"Later." I muttered.
"But first lets go celebrate the return of my favourite band."

"Your favourite band?" Ray teased.

"Yeah, I'm your second biggest fan." I took his hand as we began to walk away. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Frankie is the biggest My Chem fan."

"Yeah, you're right."

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