Fun Ghoul x Reader - Boom

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B-O-R-E-D-1-2-3 requested that I do one-shots for the Fab Four so...

Y/K/N - Your Killjoy name
E/C - Eye Colour

I actually kind of despise this one it's too long and I didn't know how to end it

Y/N's P.O.V. 

I hummed a tune from a band I had taken much inspiration from when I was younger.
My Chemical Romance was huge before BL/Ind took over, they we're easily one of my favourite bands and a huge contributor towards me becoming a Killjoy.
They wanted their fans to stand out, be strong, never give up, but most importantly, they wanted their fans to live.
I never knew what happened to the members after the end of the world began.

"Y/K/N, stop getting distracted." Saturday Night scolded and I rolled my eyes.

"This takes time, you know? I've got to be careful, I don't feel like blowing myself up." I sighed, hiding the bomb, careful not to set it off. It was more of a landmine really, just a Hell of a lot more powerful and colourful.

"The BL/Ind patrol will get here any minute." He hissed and I rolled my eyes, stepping away.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back behind a boulder, where Haunted Moon and Poison Fever were already waiting.

"How big is this going to be?" My younger brother, Poison Fever, asked with a sigh. I grinned at him and both Saturday Night and Poison Fever groaned.

"We wanted to send a message, not alert every Drac within a 5 mile radius." Haunted Moon sighed.

"Try 20 miles..." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly and they all looked shocked.
"It's gonna be loud and colourful and big."

"Fucking Hell." Saturday Night sighed and the patrol van came into view.
"Y/K/N, you're insane."

"Of course I am." I pulled out a pack of cigarettes, lighting it and taking a drag. I also pulled out a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. I had adjusted them, making them more effective, especially against loud bomb blasts.
I smirked at my friends and brother, seconds before the bomb went off. It was loud with the headphones on, so I dreaded to think what it was like without.
Saturday, Poison and Moon all covered their ears and ducked slightly, but I grinned as bright green and pink smoke drifted up into the air and glitter began to fall. I dropped the headphones, leaving them around my neck.
"That's got to be one of my best."

"You couldn't have given us a pair of them?" Haunted Moon yelled, glaring at me.

"I only have one pair!" I said defensively, shrugging.

"What?" Saturday Night yelled and I rolled my eyes, taking out my ray gun. Glitter continued to fall and the smoke seemed to grow more vibrant, but as I looked around, my masterpiece seemed to have done a damn good job. The patrol van was destroyed, upside down, and the Dracs were dead.

"Let's go!" I yelled at them, figuring the bomb caused ringing in their ears. The looked confused, causing me to sigh and walk back towards where we parked our bikes, gesturing for them to follow me. They did and we hurried to get out of there. Saturday Night came off of his bike as a bunch of Dracs started shooting from up ahead.
I cursed silently, pulling my Ray gun out and firing at them. They landed a shot to my shoulder and I groaned, coming off of my bike and hitting the ground hard.
Of course my dumbass self decided against wearing my helmet and wore my mask instead. I could feel blood dripping down my face.

"Y/K/N!" I heard someone yell, it sounded like Poison Fever. I saw my ray gun a few meters away from me and I pulled myself along the ground to get it, when someone's foot pressed down against my back and pinned me to the floor. I turned my head, glaring at the Drac. He aimed his ray gun at me and I took deep breaths, knowing I couldn't do anything.
A shot fired and he fell back off of me as a new car approached. It wasn't a BL/Ind car from what I could see and there was someone hanging out of the window, a mask covering their face. I managed to reach my gun and I fired towards the Dracs, before someone pulled me to my feel.

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