Brendon Urie x Reader - Bruises

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Hey, bestie, what's up?" An arm wrapped around my shoulders and I looked at Brendon and pushed the large sunglasses up so they didn't fall off.

"Nothing much, just tired." I shrugged and he pouted. I went to sit down on the couch, but Brendon pulled me, causing us both to fall onto the couch, except I was awkwardly sat on his lap.
"Bren, you dickwad."

"Stop complaining, you love me really." He laughed and I moved so I was comfortable, letting him wrap his arms around my waist.

"Just kiss already." Ryan rolled his eyes and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I'm serious. When you're not touching, you're eye-fucking each other, or flirting. Just admit that you're dating, or like each other at least."

"Uh, no. I have a boyfriend." I felt heat crawling up my neck. No, wait, it was just Brendon breathing against my neck, before placing a kiss against the nape.

"A boyfriend only Brendon has met? That you won't let any of us know anything about? What's his name, Y/N?" Ryan smirked.

"Why are you being so pushy about this?" I whined.

"Why is Brendon hiding behind you? Is he blushing?" Ryan laughed and Brendon froze. He probably was.

"George Ryan Ross the 3rd, I will end you." Brendon said firmly, causing the other boy to laugh.

"Okay, new subject." Ryan held his hands up in defeat.
"What's with the sunglasses, Y/N? We're inside."

"She's been hanging out with Gerard Way again, picking up his bad habits." Brendon snorted and I hit his leg.

"Gee is awesome, back off." I muttered.
"Shit is bright, it's not my fault."

"Yeah, sure, didn't he tweet something like that yesterday?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, we went out for lunch." I smiled and Brendon's hold on my waist tightened slightly.

"You did what?" Brendon practically growled.

"Ah shit, you made him jealous." Ryan giggled and I glared at him.

"Gerard is my best friend. We go out for lunch all the time. There's nothing to be jealous of." I defended.
"Like when you guys are on tour, I stay over at his place with the guys. We hang out and- fucking hell are you trying to kill me?" I hissed the last part, referring to Brendon tightening his grip on me hard enough for it to hurt.

"I'm leaving now." Ryan said, but we ignored him as he left the house.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked in annoyance and he let go of me, letting me slip onto the couch next to him.

"Oh, so making me jealous wasn't part of your plan?" He huffed and I raised an eyebrow.

"There wasn't a plan." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Y/N, take off those stupid glasses, you look like a douchebag." He sighed and I rolled my eyes, taking the frames off of my face. He took a sharp intake of breath and lifted my chin up.
"What the- who hit you?"

"It was an accident, calm down." I shrugged and he glared at me.
"Come on, Bren. Jealous is hot, but angry is just annoying."

"I don't give a shit. Who hit you?" He fumed.

"After lunch yesterday I went back to Gerard's place and we played Mario Cart and he got overexcited and accidentally hit me in the face. It's no big deal."

"No big deal? Y/N, you have a black eye!" He screeched.

"And I've had worse. Remember when we had the pillow fight and I fell over and broke my elbow? That was an accident." I pointed at my eye.
"This was an accident. It's just a bruise, Brendon."

"I know, I'm sorry, Y/N." He ran his hand through his hair, before leaning forward and kissing me. It was soft, at first, but then it quickly became rougher as he pulled me back into his lap and smirked.

"Stop smirking. It means you have an idea. I don't like it." He laughed, breaking the kiss.

"I don't know what you mean, baby." He smirked, before kissing my neck. I laughed lightly and shivered when his tongue swiped over my skin. He bit down slightly, sucking and my eyes widened as I realised what he was doing.
I hit his arm, causing him let go and lean back against the couch with a stupid grin.
"Y/N, I'm the only one that should be leaving bruises on you."

"Brendon Boyd Urie, I'm gonna kick your ass." I jumped up, going over to the mirror and groaning at the dark hickey on my neck.
Brendon came and stood next to me in the mirror.
"I hate you so much right now. I have to work tomorrow."

"Shut the hell your mouth. You love me and we both know it." I pouted, ignoring the fact that most of that didn't make sense.
"Take the day off."

"Uhh, no." He leaned down and kissed me again and I hit his chest.
"No more hickeys, I'm serious."

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever you say, love." He kissed me again and I jumped away at the sound of keys dropping to the floor.

"I knew it." We both glared at Ryan.
"Nice bruises, Y/N. I forgot my phone, I need this to text everyone what I just saw."

"Ross, I'm gonna kill you!" Brendon yelled and Ryan ran for the door, Brendon chasing him.

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