Party Poison x Reader - Late Night Talks (2)

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Y/K/N, what are you doing up here?" I didn't turn to look at Party Poison as he climbed up next to me on the roof of the diner.
"It's late and freezing out here. You're gonna get sick."

"I miss him." I sighed.
"I miss them all."

"I know." Party Poison wrapped his arm around me and I hesitated, before leaning into his touch.
"They'd be so proud of you, surviving without them. Especially Tyler, he always worried about you so much."

"He always acted like I was the younger sibling. He wanted to protect me from everything." I laughed slightly.

"Mikey is the same." Party Poison said without thinking, before tensing up.
"Kobra. Kobra Kid is the same."

"I won't tell him you told me." I laughed a little.

"I think he'd kill me." Party Poison mumbled and he pulled me a little closer.
"You... uhm, you look really nice."

"It's dark. You're seeing things." I mumbled, feeling my face burn.

"No, you always look really nice." Party moved some hair out of my face, before leaning down as if he was going to kiss me. He hesitated and stopped, but I could feel his breath on my lips.
"You're fucking beautiful, Y/K/N."

"Not too bad yourself, Party." He pushed his lips down onto mine and I kissed back immediately, ignoring the fireworks that seemed to explode inside of me. He pushed me back, so I was laying against the roof, as we continued to kiss. He leaned over me as he sat in between my legs, one hand by my head and the other on my hip. My hands found themselves under his tee and on his back as we eagerly kissed in the moonlight. He broke the kiss and we both took heavy breaths, before he started kissing my neck.
"Party..." I whined and he stopped, moving up so his mouth was against my ear.

"Gerard, or Gee works too." He whispered and it sent a shiver down my spine. Though, that could have been caused by the cold.
He pressed a soft kiss to my lips, before moving and laying beside me. He took my hand and laced my fingers with his, before bringing our joined hands up to his lips.
"Is this okay?" He asked, seconds before kissing my hand.

"Yeah- Yes." My face burned and he chuckled. We fell into a comfortable silence, looking up to the sky and seeing the stars that shined brightly. They were beautiful.

"Pardon?" Party Poison- or Gerard- asked.

"My name. It's Y/N." My voice was quiet and he rolled over to face me, a grin on his lips.

"You're fucking amazing. You're beautiful and even your name is beautiful."


"So... are you two... you know? A thing?" Fun Ghoul asked as I petted Party Poison's hair. He had his head in my lap and we were both exhausted from staying up all night on the roof, just talking and making out.

"Fuck yeah, we are. Stop looking at my girl." Party mumbled and I hit his arm.
"Ow! Y/K/N, you're so mean to me."

"Want me to kiss it better?" I asked and he grinned.


"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna." He pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Y/K/N, you've been staying with us for a month now." Jet Star looked at me
"You don't still want to go after Korse, do you?"

"Of course I do." I sighed, avoiding everyone's gaze and looking at the table in front of Gerard and I.
"I was gonna go last night, actually."

"What?" Kobra Kid asked in shock and Party Poison sat up, looking at me carefully.

"I was gonna wait until you were all asleep, before taking my bike and heading over to Battery City." I smiled sadly and moved my hair out of my face.
"It seemed like a good idea. I was gonna leave a note, thanking you all, but just as I was thinking of what to write, this idiot interrupted my train of thought." I nudged Party Poison slightly, but I didn't dare make eye contact.
"I've lost my family once and Party made me realise that I'm not ready to lose you guys too."

"Good, because we're not ready to lose you either." Fun Ghoul sighed. Party Poison went out of the room.

"Follow him." Kobra Kid looked at me.
"I've been waiting for my OTP to get together for years, since you two met. Don't let him just walk away, or you might as well of left last night."

"Kobra is right, you'll regret it." Jet Star looked at me and I stood up, nodding my head. I left the room, going outside, knowing exactly where I'd find Party Poison.

"Were you really just going to leave?" He asked as I pulled myself onto the roof. He looked at me with sad eyes and I sighed.

"Put yourself in my position. My brother and best friends were slaughtered, I want to make sure they didn't die for nothing. I like you, a lot, but I didn't think you returned the feelings, so I figured it would be easier for me to just leave, before I fell any deeper. I could go and get revenge on Korse, Hell, I probably would have been killed, but being killed felt like it would hurt less than being rejected." I ran my hands through my hair, pulling at it slightly.
"Put yourself in my position and tell me you wouldn't do the same."

"You're right." He took my hands.
"I probably would have done the same." He stepped closer, leaning down and putting his forehead against mine, his vibrant red hair tickling my face.
"But I like you a lot too. I can't lose you. You have to promise me that you're not going to go off on your own. Promise me?"

"I won't, I promise, Gerard." He smiled and kissed me softly.

"I like it when you say my name." He muttered, letting go of my hands to hold onto my waist and pull me closer. He kissed me again, deeper and I kissed back, one of my hands on his chest, the other on the side of his neck.
"God, if you keep kissing me like that, I'm going to have to find an excuse for the others to leave us alone."

"What?" I mumbled and he smirked.

"I'll have to get the others to leave so I can hear you scream my name." He winked and I felt weak.
"I mean, unless you want them to hear you-"

"Shut up." I hit his chest and he laughed.

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