Chapter Twelve

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**Ignore the grammar mistakes if I have any...**


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Since arriving in Winterfell, Marina had watched each child grow and learn. She protected them when they needed it. She bought them peace when they came to her seeking guidance. Even now, without being with the older Stark children, she could still feel them thanks to the artifact she had given them.

Little Arya had received a bracelet. It was basic looking so that no thief would think twice about taking it, but what they didn't know was that a small ruby crystal lay in its clasp. Marina had long since infused her magic into it, making it a bit like a talisman. She gave it to her just before they left for Kings Landing so that the sorceress would at least be able to know that she's okay.

Jon received her necklace. At one point the pendent was how she harnessed her magic, but that changed once she fell into step with the Stark family. She hadn't seen war before arriving on their land. It was on Jon's fifteenth name day when Marina decided to give him her pendent. Robb had received a Valyrian Steel sword similar to his father's. He was so excited, showing it to anyone he could; including Jon. He had never received anything since he was a bastard born, so Marina gave him it. He promised to never take it off and so far has followed through.

Sansa Stark was a little harder. The girl made her opinion of Marina very clear. Catelyn loathed Marina, and still does, so it was easy to raise her firstborn daughter to share the same opinions. Still, Marina took the snide comments and "accidentally" spilled drinks in stride. On her thirteenth name day Marina had decided to give the Stark girl a brooch in the shape of her family's sacred dire wolf. The uniqueness lies in the small ruby crystal that sits beneath its snout. Sansa swore it was ugly and tasteless but Marina had seen her wearing it a few times in secret.

Robb's gift involved his brand new sword he received on his fifteenth name day, a few days after Jon's. Marina had the blacksmith that fashioned the sword add small ruby stones right under the cross guard, along the hilt. As custom, she also had three small rubys placed along the very edge of the scabbard.

Bran hadn't received anything because she is with him all of the time and Rickon had taken one of her rings. The small silver band only fit his thumb at the moment but as he grew she hoped it would be able to fit more securely. Osha promised that, while on their journey, she'd make sure he wouldn't lose it.

Up ahead, Bran, Jojen, Summer and Hodor trudged through the bitter winds. The gentle giant hummed a quiet tune to himself as he held up the wagon while Bran and Jojen muttered amongst one another.

"So" Meera starts. "What's your story?"

"I'm sorry?" Marina frowns at the younger girl.

"Your story. How did you come to be a Lady of Winterfell?"

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