Chapter Three

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THE FIRST THING MARINA NOTICED WAS THEIR TEETH. So sharp and jagged, waiting patiently for the word to butcher the small woman in front of them. The beasts knew no better and Marina did not blame them for what was to happen. It is in their nature to kill, as it is for everyone else. Still, Marina wished with ever fiber of her being to be anywhere else than staring Death in its face.

Then the scene changed. She heard chanting. So familiar yet so foreign. The three dragons before her turned into the three forest imps she knew all too well. Their beady eyes stared into her green ones, their heads cocked to the side as if they're waiting for something to happen.

Marina held her breath.

A tree appeared, then, seemingly out of no where. The same man, the man with brown eyes, stood chained to the same sacrificial tree where he became the thing she dreaded the most. It was then that Marina's wrist began to burn, right where the mark rest.

"Find him" Voices hissed.

"Who? Find who?" Marina asked.

There was a loud bang from somewhere in the distance, seemingly ignored by the imps, but Marina jumped. The pain of her mark increased.


Another thump, this time louder than the other.

"The King. Find the King"

When Marina came to she nearly flew out of her bed. Their voices, the Imps' hisses, still rang in her ear relentlessly.

A soft whine came from beside her. Bran's direwolf, Summer, nudged her cold nose against the girl's forearm as if sensing the witch's distress.

"I'm alright" Marina replied, softly petting Summer's snout. "Just a nightmare is all."

Yet, looking down at her wrist, Marina couldn't help but feel it was much much more.

Marina watched from behind the duo of men quietly, keeping her eyes forward and lips in a soft smile. The contraption that the Lannister Imp, Tyrion, had proposed has finally been completed so that Bran could go back to doing what he loved; riding. The young Stark had given up hope that he'd ever get to do anything he used to do when he was able. For Marina, who had known him since he was a babbling babe determined to pull strands of hair from her head, watching Bran become dull and sad had been heartbreaking. She had tried to occupy him where she could, sometimes helping his old wet nurse tell him stories to brighten his mood, but even that grew "boring" as well. So, when Robb said that he'd be taking him out riding today, Marina didn't pass up the opportunity to join.

That and she's Brandon's protector. Wherever he goes, especially in the forest beyond the castle, she goes.

"Marina, you could have a seat" Robb said, glancing behind him briefly at the woman. "Bran isn't going anywhere and I doubt we'll be leaving anytime soon"

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