Author's Note

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My darlings, I'd like to sincerely apologize for the long wait since my last update. I've been having a few issues regarding this story and I'd like to make a few things straight.

Firstly, there are a few of you that have voiced your frustrations with Marina's strength. If I chose to make her all powerful, there wouldn't be a story for you all to read. Yes, she has magic and could/should use it on any threat that comes her way, but would that be an engaging story? If, in each chapter, whenever an enemy or bad event that appears is immediately destroyed/killed, the story would be stupid. I've never read a book where the main character is OP without some type of weakness. It just so happens that Marina's weakness is her humanity. Sorry to disappoint some of you guys but that's the bottom line.

Secondly, my character is portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch. However, Marina herself is loosely tied to Marvel. Very, very loosely. She does not have every power the Scarlett Witch has. She will not have the same storyline. Her emotions and mentality are tied to her magic in some ways, but not as tightly as you all may think. She is not perfect, and neither is my writing, but I'm hoping to make a story that hasn't been written before.

Lastly, my story WILL NOT follow GOT exactly. As I've said before, some people will be killed off that weren't in the show. Some people that were killed off in the show may not die in this book. Some of the characters will be fan favorites, but, as I said, I want to make a story that's fresh and hasn't already been written by thousands of others.

I love reading all the comments (whether they are good or bad). I encourage you all to be vocal about anything you want and keep in mind that I do not report anyone for comments they make with curse words (unless they are terrible ones spreading hate/negativity). Wattpad and other readers may do so, so please don't message me asking why I am reporting. I assure you, I am not (unless you're being hateful).

With that being said. Sit back and enjoy, comment, vote and share. Love you guys!

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