Chapter Five

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A/N(Please excuse any and all typos! Feel free to point them out! Thank you!)

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After the news of Eddard Stark's beheading had swept through Winterfell everything had seemed to erupt into chaos. Random men that Robb had left to protect his kingdom had drunkenly left, claiming that they were going to behead the Lannisters as retribution for the loss. Others had marched into the great hall demanding their current Lord, Bran Stark, to compensate for the lost of their king; as if the little Lord hadn't lost his father as well.


He has been so brave and strong since his brother left, as promised. He looks after Rickon, he looks after his people and he continues his studies, despite being a kid in need of his family. Between the tasks Lady Stark had left for her to do and the mountain of tasks Maester Luwin needed her to complete, Marina found that she didn't have time to see the Stark children as often as she liked. The sorceress had to settle with peeking her head into their room to check on them as they slept before she went to her own bedroom.

This morning, though, Marina had awoke to chaos. A hand tugged painfully at her hair, forcing her body up and over the chair she had just been sitting in. Her captor's nails dug into her scalp as he pulled her body into his, her back practically molding with his chest. Marina blinked the sleep away as her hands moved to his that was buried in her hair.

"Don't think about usin' that magic of yours" the man hissed, stopping her movements with a blade to her throat. "If you behave then we won't have to kill the cripple. Theon Greyjoy said to use force if I have to, don't make me."

The sorceress's movement came to a complete halt. Marina didn't even breathe.

"That's a good girl" he praises, "now I want you to walk out slowly to the courtyard. Our Lords are waiting."

She had no choice by to listen. She wouldn't put Bran's life in jeopardy. She had sworn that she'd protect the Stark children, nothing but their safety mattered, and now that very vow has been threatened. As easy as it would be to warp his mind, make him see what she wanted, do what she wanted, Theon would know. So, she settled into submission.

When they had finally reached the courtyard, Marina's green eyes immediately found Bran's. Her captor gave her hair a sharp tug, stopping her in her place before she could go to him. The tears gliding down his cheeks as he sat next to Maester Luwin. The little Lord has witnessed Ser Rodrik be murdered by Theon, no doubt scarring him forever.

"I was wondering what hole you crawled into" Theon teases, sauntering into Marina's line of vision so that she couldn't see Bran anymore. "Figured you were off sucking a cock to pass the time."

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