Chapter Twenty Six

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♕Might have done a bit of foreshadowing, but don't tell anyone🤫 This is a shorter (unedited) chapter

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Might have done a bit of foreshadowing, but don't tell anyone🤫 This is a shorter (unedited) chapter.

Sansa Stark and Jon Snow sat in front of a fire, nursing drinks in their hands.

A silence had taken over, settling the two in a comfortable setting of peace. Given the time they had with Ramsey a few days ago, they'd certainly earned the peace.

"I'm sorry for everything, Jon." Sansa says, startling the man. He looks over to her, but she remains looking at the fire. "I was awful to you when we were younger."

"Sansa, we talked about this already. I forgive you."

She continues, as if she hadn't heard him. "I was awful in general though, wasn't I? I made things harder for the people around me. I was selfish and stupid and I'm sorry for that."

"Aye, you were unbearable sometimes, but that's how siblings are. Especially girls." Jon quips, earning a small chuckle from his sister. "It wasn't easy but I managed."

"I can admit now that I was a jealous little twat."

Jon raised his eyebrows in surprise, his eyes like saucers as he stares at his younger sister. "Jealous? Of me? I'm a bastard, Sansa."

"I've met men with higher status those were true bastards. It wasn't your fault you were born out of marriage." Sansa points out, shivering as her mind momentarily thought about Joffrey. "But yes, Jon, I was jealous. You all had Marina, attentive, loving Marina, and I rarely saw my own mother."

Jon immediately looks away, his body going stiff, something Sansa notices. She learned, from the awful time in Kings Landing, how to watch others. In the game, knowing a weakness keeps you alive. It's manipulation in its darkest form, but Sansa was left with no choice. Jon is being stubborn and she won't allow it any longer with her baby brother's life on the line.

"She was there for you when mother tried to isolate you. She taught you to walk and read. You'd be gone for hours with her outside the walls and mother never bat an eye. Meanwhile I was stuck in the walls knitting."

"Sansa, there was nothing to be jealous about. She did that with all of us, you're the only one that refused."

"Because I thought it'd make mother happy. I thought she'd be happy that at least one of her daughters was a lady." Jon snickers. "But no matter how good I was, she'd always have her eyes on you and Marina."

"Sansa, that's not true. Lady Stark ignored me every chance she could."

"That's where you're wrong, Jon. She knew everything you were doing. How do you think she knew how to plan her gatherings? You were never allowed to be in your chamber even though you were to stay out of sight, but she'd make Marina serve hand and foot all night. If you were out training, she'd make sure Marina had a long list of chores just so you guys wouldn't see each other."

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