Chapter Seven

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THEY HAD FINALLY MADE IT TO THE WILDLING CAMPSITE AFTER WHAT FELT LIKE MONTHS OF WALKING. Jon Snow shivered, but not from the harsh winter winds. No. The memory of piercing Halfhand's chest plagued his mind. He had never killed anyone. Sure he fought men twice his size and sure he might have left a few cuts on those men, but he had never killed any of them.

Halfhand was his first. Though, Halfhand will not be the last.

Ygritte gave Jon one last glance, only briefly maintaining eye contact while her leader is present and watching them like a hawk. It wasn't long after she left before he had to face Mance Rayder, the King beyond the wall.

The older man's face is rather long and dusted with gray stubble around his downturned mouth and along his jaw. His dark brown hair is oily and matted, as if he had just gotten done rolling in dirt, but that only added to his intimidation. He looks rugged and ready. He looks as though he has seen his fair share of battles and might have even fought in some of them, but the readiness Jon saw in his eyes left him feeling small and hallow.

But, if Ned Stark taught his children anything, his biggest lesson was the never show fear.

"So you were to become Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, yet you come to bend the knee to King beyond the wall." Mance points out. "That makes you a traitor, Jon Snow."

"If I'm a traitor, then you are too."

The room went quiet, more so than it had been before the words left Jon's lips. Mance didn't flinch, nor did he act as though he was about to pounce. Instead, Mance remained quiet, staring into the depths of Jon's dark brown eyes.

"Why do you want to join us, Jon Snow?" Mance asked after a few moments of silence.

"I want to be free."

"No, I don't think so." Was Mance's reply, quickly dismissing Jon's answer to the wind. "That's too easy. I think what you want most of all is to be a hero."

Out of the corner of his eye Jon could see a man sitting next to the fire stand up with his weapon drawn. He didn't have his weapon, or any other form of defense besides his fists, but he knows those won't get him out of the situation if they were to attack. His only choice is to remain calm and choose his words carefully.

"So, I'll ask you again. Why do you want to join us?"

Jon gulped before meeting Mance's dark eyes. "We stopped at Craster's Keep on the way north. I saw Craster take his won baby boy and leave it in the woods. I saw what took it."

If he was scared of the news Jon shared he hid it well. The only thing that let Jon know that his words were even heard was the small enlargement of his eyes at the revelation.

"You mean to tell me you saw one of them?" Mance reiterates. "And why would that make you desert your brothers?"

Jon shifted his cloak, feeling a bit suffocated and hot. Mance's stoic personality coupled with Tormund's overbearing presence is taking its toll during the interrogation. While collecting himself he unintentionally freed his necklace he kept secured under his clothes, though Jon didn't notice. "Because when I told the Lord Commander he already knew. Thousands of years ago, the First Men battled and defeated the white walkers. I want to fight for the side that fights for the living. Did I come to the right place?"

Mance's eyes flickered briefly to the red jewel laying against Jon's cloak. Recognition flashed in eyes, the only emotion he's showed this entire time. "That pendent, how did you get it?"

Jon looked down, grabbing it with his fingertips. Tormund came around to get a better look, his eyes widening as well.

"How are you even wearing it?" He exclaimed.

"Where did you get it?" Mance asks again, this time more firmly.

"A friend gave it to me. Told me to never take it off." Jon answers, his brows furrowing in confusion. "It's never harmed me or my brothers and sisters in Winterfell."

"You mean to tell me you know Marina? The Red Witch?" Tormund asks in disbelief. The elders in their camp spoke of her name in their stories. They described a beautiful woman blessed with powers as red as the fire that keeps them warm. Every night to this very day they still tell the tales of how she helped defeat the white walkers.

Red Witch? Jon thinks to himself. He looked to Mance who stood in silence, then at Tormund who looks like an excited puppy.

"How do you know her name?"

"Everyone beyond the wall knows her. She's a legend here. How do you think the First Men defeated the White Walkers?" Tormund says.

Jon looked to Mance again. "She may be the Witch of Winterfell now, but she will always be a wildling, a woman apart of the free folk." He says. "If she gave you that pendent then she knew you weren't going to stay at the Wall for long. No man or woman can touch it without her blessing, let alone a White Walker."

"How do you know that?"

"You'll have to ask your little girlfriend that, crow." Tormund teased with a smirk. "She knows all about what happens when the wrong man goes taking what doesn't belong to him."

"If Marina trusts you are worth more than what you look like then I have no choice." Mance says. "We'll have to find you a new cloak."

The older man turned and walked towards the fire, grabbing his own cloak before throwing it over his shoulders. He gave Jon one final glance, looking down at the pendent. "Keep that thing safe, Jon Snow. It may just save your life one day." Then he left the tent all together.

Tormund followed but not without making kissing noises on his way out.

Small chapter, I know. Sorry about that but it's been really hectic lately. I hope everyone is safe during these times and not going crazy from school like me.

Thank you all for being so patient with me and I appreciate all of the votes and comments. See you in the next chapter.

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