1: Bleeding Out

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**for all my geto stans & simps. i'll try to do this beautiful man some justice**


i use a reference pic for every mc or y/n i write. it helps me a ton while i try to create the personality & such.

you can picture her how you want as i only describe her looks a handful of times. however, if you're curious, this is the pic i used for this story.

artist unknown but i'd love to give credit:)

artist unknown but i'd love to give credit:)

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The sky was grey as I walked out of the hospital, covered with dark blue and shadowed clouds.

I sighed as I realized it would probably start raining at any moment, and I hadn't brought an umbrella with me. There was no reason to, it was bright and warm this morning.

I quickly pulled out my phone to check if I had any money for a lyft. Bad idea. As I checked my bank account I wanted to scream. I had no idea how I would even make it through the week.

2 more years. That's what I kept telling myself. 2 more years and I'd be a fully practicing doctor. But my residency and schooling had made me flat broke for the time being.

Overworked and underpaid.

But it would all be worth it soon enough. My parents had died at a young age, but they were both farmers out in the countryside.

I was the first not just in my family to go to college, but the first in my entire village. And not only did I go to college, I was almost finished with my residency.

Just two more fucking years.

I grumbled to myself as I began to walk home, praying I'd make it to my apartment before it came down too hard.

It was still evening, so the world wasn't completely dark yet. The spring air was thick and humid, and I was already sweating a bit as I walked though the city.

At least I didn't have a double tonight and could finally get some sleep. It had probably been a week since the last time I had gone home earlier than 1am, leaving me maybe 4 or 5 hours to sleep before I had to be back.

Everyone told me a residency in the ER would provide invaluable experience if I was lucky enough to get hired, so I didn't even think twice about accepting when it was offered to me.

They all, however, failed to mention how absolutely soul sucking it is.

So I was going to savor every moment of free time that I had tonight. Maybe a bath and a movie, definitely an early night.

I was lost happily in my thoughts as I imagined my next 12 hours. The possibilities seemed endless.

Because of the haunting weather, the streets were emptier than usual, only the occasional taxi passing me by as I walked. It was actually kind of peaceful.

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