27: Choosing Me

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"So you're not dead," a smug voice called out as my eyelids began to flutter.

A small groan escaped from my throat as my eyes met the harsh, illuminating light of a midday sun.

"It's so fucking bright," I mumbled as I tried desperately to force my way out of the fog that clouded my mind.

I raised my hand to try and block out the sunlight, but the moment I did, and excruciating sharp pain shot through my side.

"Aghh!" my yell was loud as I grasped onto where the pain was coming from.

"Oi don't move you idiot," Aiko huffed as she reached over to close the blinds even more. "Your stomach almost fell out of your fucking body with that blow you took."

I shot her a glare as I carefully tried to readjust myself. I was in my room at Baba's house, laid up and unable to move. Aiko sat in a small chair next to my bedside.

As my mind became clearer, a throbbing began, pounding against the front of my skull. Every inch of my body ached. My mouth felt dry and thick.

"W-what happened?" I was finally able to ask her as I rested back, letting my eyes drift around the room before they met hers.

"You were reckless. As always."

"I think you mean to say thank you. For saving your ass," I huffed out with a smirk.

She smiled, "Mm. So I come after that black-haired cutie, but still before the others. Good to know."

Suguru... Waking up without him by my side is definitely a shock. I wonder what happened to him. Were they still here? Is he with Gojo? Is Nanami ok? Where's Baba?

My mind kept racing, only adding to the headache that was fighting to consume me.

"Where is he?" I finally worked up the nerves to ask.

She carefully began to push the hair out of my face, the disappointment in her eyes letting me know that he left me behind.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," her voice was soft and soothing.

I slammed my eyes shut as I added heartbreak to the list of overwhelming pain flowing through me at the moment. Warm tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

"The six eyes dragged him out of there the moment you collapsed. They left. I haven't seen any of them since."

I shook my head softly. It seemed impossible. How could he leave me? Gojo stabs me, and he leaves me for dead?

"Since?" I peeked my eyes open at her. "Aiko, how long have I been out?"

She exhaled a deep breath, "5 days."

"5 days!?" I yelled as I tried to force myself up out of the bed, my body immediately revolting against me. I let out another sharp shriek with the pain.

"Fuck Y/n! Lay the hell down!" she called as she practically pushed me back down on the bed.

"W-where's Baba!? Is she ok? What about the village! What's been going on?!"

I frantically searched her face for answers. But all she did was stare back at me with a look full of pity. I couldn't even imagine how terrible I looked, but it really didn't matter at this point.

She let out a frustrated groan as she rubbed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Baba healed you, but it took a lot out of her..." she trailed off, her voice sounding broken and defeated.

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