22: Jealous

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Y/n hadn't even really looked at me since she got out of that interrogation.

Satoru told me I couldn't join them, and I didn't fight him back on it. I definitely should've. I should've been there, but I couldn't bare to face her.

And now I had to since she said she wanted me to go to the village with them.

She stopped as we all made it back to the black car waiting for us, "Seriously, you guys can't all show up to my village in your sorcery outfits."

"Why? Too many Protectors there? Don't worry, we can handle ourselves," Gojo huffed.

She sighed, "I honestly have no idea, but my grandmother is there, and she hates sorcerers."

"Please," she said again impatiently. "Can you guys change clothes?"

"Your grandmother?" I asked her.

She glanced over at me, "Yes, and she's really old now. I don't want to piss her off."

"Just go do it," Nanami quickly interrupted. "You're both wasting time."

"Eh, fine," Satoru walked away, and I followed behind him so we could go change.

Satoru smirked at me, "Nanami's taken quite a liking to Y/n, have you noticed?"

"Shut up Satoru," I mumbled.

"I figured he did when he said she would be a good mom. We all know how badly he wants to have kids," he continued. "But now it's even more obvious."

"You got what you wanted. She hates me now, so can you just stop?"

He laughed as he waved his hand, "Eh, fine. Fine."

The car ride was long. Y/n was in the backseat with Nanami, and as she fell asleep, I noticed her head fall down on his shoulder.

She was out when it happened, but it infuriated me as Satoru's words rang inside my head. And it's not like Nanami bothered to move her.

"I don't know where to go from here," he huffed out after we ran out of freeway to drive on. "Wake her up."

I turned around to do it, but Nanami beat me to it.

He was gently rubbing her leg as he spoke, his voice coming out as a soft whisper, "Hey, Y/n...."

He used her first name?

Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled when she saw him, picking up her head off his shoulder.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you," she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes away.

"That's alright," he smiled softly at her. "You've been through a lot."

Now he's even smiling at her...

"We need directions," I spoke in a much more demanding and mean tone than I meant to. I was being consumed with jealously.

"Mm?" she grabbed onto Satoru's seat in front of her as she peeked over to stare out the front windshield. "Yea, just keep going down that road," She pointed.

"The dirt road?" Satoru asked.

She laughed, "Yes, the dirt road. I told you guys it's out here in the middle of nowhere."

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