28: Regrets

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Geto POV

I haven't moved in what feels like weeks.

My eyes were out of tears, still swollen and red from the amount of sadness they had spilled as I stayed laid up in my apartment.

Y/n was gone, and it seemed like I had no reason to keep going.

I didn't know what was worse. The feeling of my entire body aching and trembling as I thought about how I would never see her again. Or the complete emptiness I now felt with no desire to move forward.

I should've stayed. I should've been there for her. I should've held her before she was gone forever.

"Suguru?" Satoru called out as he came through the front door.

I should be pissed at him. I should hate him. I wanted so badly to blame him for everything that happened between me and Y/n.

But I fucked up too. And I couldn't keep on pretending I didn't make my own choices. He never forced me to do anything.

I had no one to blame but myself.

He took her life, but she sacrificed herself. Satoru would've never really killed her. At least that's what he claims now.

Who knows what would've happened if we were actually able to leave together.

Still, this is the shit that happens when you're in this life. You save as many as you can, but often times you lose many more along the way.

Nanami on the other hand, he hated us both. He couldn't seem to forgive us for all the shit we put Y/n through. He was right though, she deserved so much more. And honestly, I hated us too.

"How are you?" Satoru huffed as he plopped down on the couch next to me.

I barely glanced over at his direction, my head resting on the back of the sofa as I stared up at the ceiling.

"You sure you're ready for this?" he asked as he realized I wasn't going to be answering his first question.

I sighed, "I mean, we have to go on eventually..."

The situation between us and the protectors continued to escalate, and with Y/n gone, it made my choice easy. I'd do whatever was needed of me. Just like I did before I ever met her.

They asked us to meet them today, and I was joining Satoru and some others to hear whatever is they had to say.

The higher ups considered us to be at war with them, so we'd do whatever was necessary to get back everything they took.

This is the first time we've ever been able to find them in generations, and the council was afraid of losing the momentum.

Who would've guessed that the first time I ever fell in love would lead to all of this...

Fucking 28 and it finally happened. I spent years dating and figuring out exactly what I wanted, waiting until the right one came along.

And she did. She was more amazing than I could've ever thought possible. She lit up even the darkest parts of me.

"Well, we should get going then," Satoru patted my leg awkwardly before standing up.

He really didn't know how the hell to act around me now, which was understandable. Both of us were completely overwhelmed by the situation.

Satoru didn't know about the murders of those protectors until after the fact either, but once he was notified, he was responsible for making sure no one else knew.

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