34: The Perfect Date

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not me falling in love w the wrong fucking dude for this fanfic 😩🙄☠️☠️ lollll

anywayyyy, on a roll and can't stop haha. don't mind me & all my updates pls.

**Y/n Pov**

"At this rate, we're never going to have dinner," Nanami teased as I stopped at like my 5th fruit stand.

"It's not my fault! It all looks so delicious!" I laughed before paying for a peach and joining him once again.

I took a bite, letting out an exaggerated mmm, "Nanami it's so good!"

"I'm sure it is."

"You have to try it!" I held out the piece of fruit near his face.


"Come on, please!"

He sighed as he glanced at me, but then quickly took the peach from my hand, giving it a bite before passing it back.

"See, isn't it amazing?!"

He licked the juice off his lips before smiling down at me, "Mm it is, but it also tastes like all the other peaches you've eaten."

I sighed happily, "Yea, well, I just don't think I'll ever get used to how great it is here."

And it was true. I was falling more in love with this little island everyday. The warm, sunny days. The sound of the waves rolling in against the rocks. The brightly painted buildings.

I felt at peace.

The moments I spent thinking about Suguru were less and less, and when I was thinking about him, I wasn't in an overwhelming amount a pain. Just a small, subtle amount.

Maybe I would always love him, but maybe I didn't need to always be in love with him. Maybe I could move on too.

I glanced up at Nanami as we walked, feeling so grateful for his kindness and compassion. He really cared about me. It wasn't just that he wanted to see me smile, he wanted to make sure I felt safe.

And with him, I did.

Sometimes, I really wished things could've been different. After these last couple months with Nanami, I knew I could be so happy with him, and I think I could make him really happy too.

Maybe with some more time we would find out, but for now, at least I got to have him in my life as a friend.

I followed him as he started to put some asparagus into our little mesh produce bag.

"Ooh, good choice," I smiled.

He nodded, "You order it almost every time we go out to dinner."

"You noticed?" I laughed.

"Of course I did," he acknowledged before continuing on through the stands of vegetables.

I loved all the outdoor markets and vendors here. It felt so casual and homey. I had never lived anywhere that matched my energy better than this island does.

"I don't know that anyone's ever paid attention to me like you do," I was already looking for our next side dish, so I absent-mindedly muttered it half to myself and half to him.

"Y/n," he caught me off guard by the way he called my name, holding lightly onto my arm.

"Hmm?" I tilted my head as I looked up at him. The gentle way his eyes peered back at me as they glistened in the evening glow made me smile even brighter.

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