23: Baba

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Y/n had let go of my hand once we caught up with Suguru and Nanami, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Was I really going to get another chance at this point? How is that even possible? She was so sure about us, meanwhile I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on inside my head.

"Made up already huh?" Satoru snarked.

I shrugged, "I have no idea."

"Think Suguru. Why would she forgive you that easily unless she needed something from you?"

I hated how he kept putting thoughts in my mind because each time he talked, it actually made sense to me.

I just didn't know what to believe...

"Baba!" she smiled as she ran up to the old woman sitting in a rocking chair on a small porch.

Her grandma stood up to give her a hug, and as we got closer, I could see she was crying as she hugged Y/n.

"My dear girl. I didn't know you were coming. I would've made your favorite dumplings," she continued to hold onto her.

"Ah that's ok Baba! I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It was just so last minute."

"Let me look at you," she pulled apart from Y/n, grabbing her face as she tilted it around to look.

Her grandma smiled, "You grow more beautiful with each year, just like your mother."

"Thank you," Y/n whispered out, and even though her back was turned to us, I could tell that she was crying.

"Now," her grandma huffed out as Y/n helped her sit back down. "Who are these gentlemen?"

As Y/n looked back at us, she took my breath away. She was absolutely glowing, probably the happiest I'd ever seen her.

She really does care for and love others so deeply.

"Baba, these are some of my friends. They're from the city and wanted to see our village."

Y/n held onto her grandma's hand, blushing slightly as her eyes met mine. Even after everything, the way she looked at me, it was as if I was her whole world.

"Just your friends?" her grandma questioned.

Y/n laughed as she returned her attention to the woman, "Yes. Just my friends."

Baba shot Y/n a look, "You're not getting any younger dear. These men are handsome enough, just marry one of them already!"

"Baba that's not how it works," Y/n laughed as she hid her face slightly with her free hand.

"You three," she called out to us as she pointed. "Is there something wrong with you? Who stays only friends with a woman as beautiful as her?"

Y/n's face was bright red now but she was still just laughing. The whole thing was absolutely adorable.

I loved how her grandma thought there was something wrong with us to not be dating Y/n, because she was right, you'd have to be absolutely crazy not to love her.

I was pretty disappointed she only introduced me as a friend, but I don't know what else I was expecting. She was probably even more confused than I was after today.

"You know," Baba looked back up at Y/n. "Mya is pregnant with her third child already."

"Mm, I saw. That's exciting."

"That could've been you had you accepted the proposal."

Proposal? She was almost engaged before? I definitely didn't know that.

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