29: Confrontations

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life's hard af lately and i really don't have the energy for anything. i'm sorry for the slow updates, i've barely been able to focus on making it through the days ya know.

anyway, enough sad shit. hope you guys like the chap.

trigger warning for violence


*Geto POV*

"What the fuck..." Satoru mumbled to himself.

I was zoned out, staring at my feet and barely even noticed him. He was always doing whatever he could to get people's attention so I wasn't that concerned about it anyway.

"Y/n?" my head shot up at the sound of Nanami's voice.

It can't be.

But there she was, dressed fully in her all black outfit and sword, her hair pulled back as it always was when she was working.

She stood tall, her chin raised as she walked with control and purpose, leading the two others. Her eyes didn't break away from us at all.

I blinked the tears out of my eyes, thinking maybe my broken heart was just causing me to see shit. Countless thoughts rushed through my head as to how this would be possible...

But it wasn't a ghost or a hallucination. It was her. Even from this distance, her presence demanded respect.

She's really alive.

"Y/n!" Nanami called out again as he ran over to her, not caring in the slightest that we were here to negotiate and intimidate.

My eyes briefly glanced over at Satoru who was cracking his neck, a nervous tick that I hadn't seen him do in years.

He probably had no idea where to go from here. Honestly, neither did I. This changed everything.

Worst of all, my world was shattering all over again because now she knew I just left her behind. I fucking left her behind to die.

And how did she survive? Has anyone ever survived a blow from Satoru before?

My stomach was in knots as I thought about it. How she probably woke up scared and alone. How someone had to tell her I never came back and never even took a moment to say goodbye.

I thought I was going to be sick, my knees only moments away from giving out. She probably hates me... How could she not?

My eyes blurred with tears again as she freely embraced Nanami, hugging him back tightly. I had never seen Nanami so flustered and so open with his emotions.

The amount of relief he must be feeling as she wrapped her arms around him, I was envious of that moment. I wanted that.

"Stick to the plan," Satoru's voice came out low and uneasy.

I shook my head, "You must know this changes everything."

He whipped his head towards me, "We still killed a group of them. I still almost killed her. She's not here to play nicely Suguru."

"It doesn't matter," the words exposing just how broken I felt.

"If we don't handle this, more people will die. Is that what you want?"

My jaw tightened as I looked away. He wasn't wrong. The higher ups had it in their minds that we were going to do whatever it takes. If this little meet up goes poorly, who knows what they'll demand next.

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