Vol. 17: Peter Pan

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TW: // Violence, loss of memories, schizophrenia and bigotry towards a schizophrenic person, animal attacks, kidnapping//
(We have tried to purge everything offensive about the portrayal of the native people in Neverland, so there's much less grossness than in the movie)
Word Count: 19,321

~Once Upon A Time~

In 1910s England.

All this happened before, and it will all happen again, but this time it happened in London.

To all the grownups in England, Peter Pan was no more than a character of myth, but some knew better. Some even got to meet him.

It was a quiet night on Bloomsbury street. The calm hush over the city block was disturbed by the ruckus coming from the corner house, which belonged to the Darling family. The house seemed no different from all the others on Bloomsbury street, made from the same brick and mortar, kept by the same Englishmen, but it was just special enough to catch the attention of a certain shadow...


"George, dear, do hurry! We mustn't be late for the party, you know."

Mrs. Darling, the charming mother, believed that Peter Pan was the spirit of youth who gave immaterial joy to the children who heard his story, some fiction to be sustained, but Mr. Darling...

"Mary, if I can't find my cufflinks we don't go to the party! And if we don't go, I can never show my face in the office again. And if that happens-" George lifted his head to check another drawer and slammed against it.

Mr. Darling was, in his own words, a practical man. He thought himself far too respectable to indulge in such nonsense as Peter Pan.

The children, however, were true believers.

The younger two, John and Michael, believed wholeheartedly that he was a real person, and played games about him, always making him the hero. John was alright being the villain, as he quite liked pirates, and Michael chose the starring role of Peter Pan.

"Blast you, Peter Pan!"

"Take that, pirate! Give up, Captain Hook! Give up!"

"Never!" John waved around his coat hanger threateningly. "I'll take your hand just as I lost mine!"

"No, John, it was his left hand."

"Oh- yes." John moved the coat hanger to his left hand. "Thank you, Wesley."

"Of course," he said gracefully, heading out into the hallway.

Wesley, the eldest of the Darling sons, was the reigning authority on Peter Pan and all of his adventures. He not only believed in Peter, but was visited by him almost nightly, yet only his brothers seemed to believe him. He told his parents time after time that Peter truly was real, but time after time they simply shook their heads and told him to take his medicine.

Wesley's medicine, these nasty tablets of something called chlorpromazine, was delivered to him nightly by their dog, Nana. She was an incredibly tolerant and mellow mannered dog, and had been taught a few tricks so she could help the family with chores. Mary affectionately called her the nursemaid. Since she was a dog, she had no opinion on Peter Pan, and simply accepted the boys games and stories.

Michael leapt from his bed to John's. "Take that!"

"Insolent boy! I'll slash you to ribbons!" John swung his wooden sword. "Aha!"

"And I'll cut you to pieces! Ha!" Michael slashed at him, accidentally swinging his sword too hard and knocking something at John's head.

"Ouch! Careful, Michael, my glasses." John took them off to make sure they weren't damaged.

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