Vol. 1: Snow White

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//TW: Stockholm syndrome, pseudobulbar affect, a stutter, narcolepsy, being poisoned, and death//
‼️Sexual Comments Are Not Welcome‼️
Word Count: 23,623

~Once Upon A Time~

In 1500s Germany, there was a small woodland kingdom ruled by a beautiful Queen. She was cold and firm, yet she treated her subjects fairly. She made sure they were provided for and protected from foreign threats.

Her step-son, Snow White, she kept at arm's length but never dared to harm, until...

The Queen had always valued and cherished her beauty. But when Snow was around thirteen, she noticed how the subjects started to regard him. He was just beginning to mature, and he was a beautiful boy. Almost as beautiful as her, in her 'old' age, and that sparked an intense jealousy in her.

She forced Snow to wear servant's clothes and distanced him from his royal birthright to combat his natural charm and grace. He was cut off from the kingdom's subjects and isolated from the castle staff.

Snow was very easily influenced to believe he was supposed to be a servant to the Queen, and he still believed she loved him. By fifteen, he'd mostly forgotten his royal status. He spent most of his time in the private garden and courtyard, singing to himself and talking to the animals.

He did still see people. The Queen tried to hide him from the world as much as she could, so no one could see that he really was more beautiful than her, but some did still manage to catch a glimpse of the prince.

Such a case was found one sunny afternoon while he was in the courtyard near the well. He was scrubbing the stairs, making the marble gleam in the bright sun, when one of the doves cooed at him and flew to the well.

Snow wasn't supposed to indulge the birds, his step-mother told him that many times, but they were such good company, and he could move to the well and start cleaning that instead...

Snow hefted his water bucket, grabbed the scrub brush and moved to the well. Staring into the water, made dark by the shadows cast over it, he scrubbed the stones, humming idly.

A dove cooed for his attention and jerked its head to the water. Snow smiled.

"Want to know a secret?"


"Promise not to tell?"

Coo! More doves had flown over from their perches in the tree nearby. They seemed to gather in waiting whenever Snow White was about to sing.

He grinned. "~We are standing by a Wishing Well~"

The doves chirped happily and flew in a small circle when Snow started singing. He continued scrubbing the mossy stones as he sang to himself and the birds.

"~Make a wish into the well, that's all you have to do. If you hear it echoing... your wish will soon come true~"

As demonstration, Snow leaned over the well slightly and sang into the opening, pausing for the echoes,

"~I'm wishing... for the one I love... to find me... today! I'm hoping... and I'm dreaming of... the nice things... he'll say!~"

Yes, 'he.' From a very young age, Snow White knew he was attracted to other boys and he didn't see what other people thought was so wrong about that. And besides, even if people didn't accept him and who he loved, it's not like he saw many people anyway. He'd never get the chance to fall in love with someone, much less have other people disapprove of that love.

As he was singing, he didn't hear the sound of horse hooves clopping on cobblestone, coming nearer to the courtyard, but the rider did hear his voice.

The rider shushed his horse once they got to a lower wall, and scrambled to peek over it to see who possessed the angelic voice he was hearing.

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