Vol. 6: Aladdin

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//TW: threats of violence, starvation, almost drowning, manipulation, pedophilia, almost suffocating, lying//
Word Count: 27,618

~Once Upon A Time~

In the 1300s there was a sultanate by the name of Agrabah, presiding under the Ottoman Empire. It was known as the city of mystery, the city of enchantment.

The market thrived, the city was bustling, and life was good.

Agrabah was extraordinary. Its people seemed to be magic. And, sometimes, they truly were.

Some sorcerers, and some... diamonds in the rough.


A tall, dark figure was waiting on a sand dune, growing steadily more impatient. A horse rode up to meet him, and he looked at the rider.

"You are late."

"A thousand apologies, O Patient One," the rider, Gazeem, sneered.

"You have it, then?" The taller figure, Jafar, raised an eyebrow.

"I had to... slit a few throats to do so, but I got it." Gazeem reached into his bag and produced a small golden trinket. It vaguely resembled a kind of beetle, jaggedly split down the middle.

Jafar's eyes lit up and he reached for it, his fingers only wrapping around thin air.

"A-ah-ahh... the treasure," Gazeem demanded.

Jafar sneered, and leaned back. The parrot on his shoulder swooped down and snatched the scarab from Gazeem, squawking. He flew back to Jafar and deposited the scarab into his waiting palm.

"Trust me, my... pungent, friend... you will get what you deserve." He smiled thinly, clutching the half of the scarab. From his pocket, he pulled the other half and put the two together. The scarab, now whole, glowed brighter and chittered as if it were alive. Then it flew off, leaving a sparkling golden trail in the air.

Jafar's eyes widened and he spurred his horse. "After it! Follow the trail!"

The two riders barrelled down the sand dune, following the golden beetle. The trail led very far, but eventually the scarab dove into a huge sand dune, ending the chase. Two points in the pile of sand glowed and the dune grew larger, taking shape. It turned to a tiger's head, its jaw unhinged and emitting a bright orange glow.

Jafar's eyes brightened and he grinned. "There it is... the Cave of Wonders..."

"By Allah..." Gazeem breathed.

Jafar grabbed Gazeem by the collar. "Now, remember, bring me the lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine."

Gazeem nodded and inched closer to the Cave. A deep, gravelly voice erupted from the opening, shaking the ground and disturbing the sand.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" the Cave asked.

"It is I, Gazeem, a... h-humble thief."

"Know this," the Cave warned. "Only one may succeed here, one whose worth lies far within. A Diamond in the Rough."

Gazeem crept closer to the Cave's opening, but he hesitated before stepping foot inside.

"What are you waiting for?" Jafar snapped, waving him in. "Go on!"

Gazeem gulped nervously and entered the Cave, disappearing down the steps. Jafar waited outside, barely containing the urge to pace. Iago flew in circles. A few minutes passed uneventfully, then a gust of wind came from the Cave opening, loud enough to sound like a roar. The mouth opened a little wider and slammed shut, emitting a thundering boom! as it closed.

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