Vol. 10: The Princess and The Frog

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//TW: Racism, misrepresentation of African American culture (again, Disney trying to be diverse, this one is better than Mulan tho. I think), intense death scene//
Word Count: 24,862

~Once Upon A Time~

In 1920s New Orleans, the economy and social life boomed. People played music and danced in the streets, the smell of warm food wafted through the streets at night, and parents laughed with their children in their homes. And some even told stories.

"And at that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes, and pleaded, 'Oh, please, dear princess, only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch!'"

Eudora Howell was reading The Princess and The Frog as she worked on finishing up her work. The two children she was reading to listened, enraptured by the story.

Charlotte giggled. "This is my favorite part," she whispered.

Thomas rolled his eyes, smiling widely.

Eudora chuckled, continuing. "And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea that she stooped down... picked up the slippery creature... leaned forward, raised him to her lips..." She grinned down at them. Charlotte looked extremely excited, while Thomas was grimacing with disgust.

"And kissed that little frog!"

Charlotte cooed adoringly. "Aww!"

Thomas gagged. "Yuck!"

Eudora chuckled. "And he transformed into a handsome prince! They were married, and lived happily ever after. The end."

Charlotte applauded, squealing. "Read it again, again!"

Eudora smiled softly. "I'm sorry, Charlotte, but we've gotta get home. I finished your dress and it's time for supper." She packed up her sewing kit. "Say good night, Thomas."

Thomas crossed his arms. "There is no way in this whole wide world I would ever, ever, ever, I mean never kiss a frog!"

Charlotte giggled. "Is that so?" She snatched up a frog stuffed animal and shoved it in his face. "Here's your Prince Charming, Tommy! Kiss him! Kiss him!"

"Ew! Stop it, Lottie!" He swatted the stuffed animal away, crinkling his nose.

She giggled. "Kiss him!" She plopped down. "I would do it, I would kiss a frog!" She sighed dreamily. "I would kiss a hundred frogs if I could marry a prince and be a princess!"

"Not me," Thomas said, shaking his head firmly. "I would never kiss a frog, even if I got to marry a prince. It's too gross."

Charlotte giggled.

Her father walked into her room, smiling widely. "Evening, Eudora!"

Charlotte shrieked in delight and raced towards him. "Daddy, look at my new dress!"

He chuckled, scooping his daughter up. "I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in New Orleans!"

Thomas smiled proudly at his mom.

Charlotte gasped, looking at the book and seeing the princess' dress. "Ooh! I want that dress!"

He sighed. "Now, sugarplum-"

"Pleaseeee? Please please please please please???" She pulled on his mustache. He winced, looking over at Eudora.

"I don't suppose you could- ow- whip something up like that?"

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