Vol. 8: Hercules

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//TW: Inaccurate Greek myth, slavery(?), violence, public humiliation, destruction, mild gore//
Word Count: 21,235

~Once Upon A Time~

There was a land of chaos and destruction called Greece. The people lived in fear of the Titans that ran amuck, destroying their crops and homes. They prayed to the gods for an end of the chaos and fear, and finally, the gods answered.

Zeus, king of the gods and ruler of the skies, locked the Titans up and brought peace.

He worked with his family, the gods of Olympus, to ensure the Titans would never go on another rampage of terror ever again.

And as life settled once more, new life began to bloom. And Zeus' family was no exception. The god of the sky had a son.



On Mount Olympus, Zeus had thrown a party in honor of his son's birth. Many of the guests had brought gifts for the baby, which were slowly creating a large pile near his cradle.

"Hercules... hello!" Zeus grinned down at his son, cooing at him. Hercules giggled, grabbing his hand and examining it with wide eyes.

Zeus smiled and called to Hera, "Look how cute he is!"

Hera came over and gazed lovingly at her son. Then she noticed just how tightly he was holding onto his father's hand. "He's strong like his father, huh?" she laughed.

Hercules babbled, lifting his father off the ground and giggling up at him.

Zeus laughed boisterously. Hera rolled her eyes but didn't bother fighting back a smile.

Another god slipped through the crowd towards them. "Scuse me, pardon me, ooh, love the hair, scuse me-" He stopped by the two parents and held out a bouquet. "Hello."

"Why, Hermes," Hera exclaimed, taking the bouquet. "They're lovely."

"Yeah. I had Orpheus do the arrangement, actually, isn't that crazy?"

While they were chatting, Hercules' eye caught something shiny. He giggled, pulling one of Zeus' lightning bolts out of his pocket and starting to play with it.

Hera gasped. She reached down to take the bolt from him.

Hercules pulled it back, babbling at her and putting the bolt in his mouth. Electricity shocked through him and his hair stood on end. He dropped the lightning bolt, no longer interested.

Worried, Hera picked up Hercules and started bouncing him. Was he in pain? Was he scared? Was he alright?

Hercules babbled angrily at the lighting bolt as Zeus put it back in his pocket, swatting at it.

Zeus turned to the assembly of Olympians and spoke loudly, "On behalf of my son, I want to thank you all for your wonderful gifts!" He gestured to a mile high pile of treasures.

"What about our gift, dear?" Hera asked as she played a game with Hercules. The game mostly consisted of Hera poking her son's stomach and Hercules grabbing his mother's finger when she did, but they both enjoyed it.

Hercules shrieked with delight and grabbed his mothers hand again, running his hand over it, looking at it with the same curious expression as he did with all other things.

Zeus, ignorant to the complexities of their game, pursed his lips in thought. "Well... Let's see..." He summoned some clouds and took pieces of them, twisting them together into a new shape. "A little cirrus... A touch of nimbostratus... And a dash of cumulus!"

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