Vol. 9: Mulan

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//TW: Misrepresentation of Chinese culture (we tried to make Mushu more respectable, fix a few things, but we don't know everything and can only do so much. It's Disney trying to be diverse), gore (blood, death, description of wounds), war, violence, threats, humiliation, transphobia, intentional misgendering, accidental misgendering and deadnaming, unsafe binding practices//
Word Count: 25,262

~Once Upon A Time~

In 15th century China under the Ming Dynasty, the country was under attack by a Hun army. For a while, it seemed the Huns were few in numbers and of little threat to the people, but then came an attack on the Great Wall, and the Huns' power was revealed to the emperor.

It was late at night, and the guards stationed along the wall were hardly expecting an attack. The wall was a national show of unwavering strength and self respect. Who would dare organize an assault?

A hawk flew overhead and let out a shrill call.

A hook appeared at the edge of the wall and latched on, followed by many more. The soldier posted closest gasped and yelled to his comrades, "We're under attack! Light the signal!"

A band of Huns swung over the edge of the wall, having climbed up. They stalked closer, barely visible in the darkness, their swords drawn. The soldier readied his own weapon, praying that the signal was being lit behind him.

The Huns prepared to strike, when a bonfire erupted not far down along the wall. Then another. And another. Soon the entire Great Wall was blazing with watchtower fires.

The soldier glared defiantly. "Now all of China knows you're here."

The leader of the Huns grinned. "Perfect." And he slashed his weapon.


News of the skirmish spread rapidly, just as the soldier had predicted.

One of China's most decorated generals strode into the Emperor's chambers, stopping only to bow humbly before announcing, "Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our northern border."

The emperor's advisor scoffed. "Impossible. No one can get through the Great Wall."

The emperor lifted his hand, effectively silencing him.

"Shan Yu is leading them," the general continued. "We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately."

"No." The emperor stood. "Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu." He turned to his advisor.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Deliver conscription notices throughout the provinces. Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible."

"Forgive me, your majesty," the general interjected, "But I believe my troops can stop him."

"I won't take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."


"Quiet and demure. Graceful. Polite." Mulan shoveled some rice into her mouth, talking through the food as she chewed and swallowed. "Delicate. Refined. Poised..." She looked over the scroll in front of her, the Final Admonition, and copied it down on her forearm with an ink brush. "Punctual."

Interrupting her work, the Fa's rooster crowed.

Mulan almost choked on rice. If she didn't hurry, she'd be late, and she just couldn't be late for this. It was too important.

She set down the chopsticks and the ink brush, leaping from her bed and calling into the hallway, "Little Brother! Little Brother!"

The family's dog came bounding down the hall, barking excitedly. He skidded to a stop in front of Mulan and jumped once, wagging his tail and panting.

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