Vol. 3: Sleeping Beauty

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//TW: Eating disorder, narcolepsy, mild gore (blood), mild homophobia, death, coma//
Word Count: 18,517

~Once Upon A Time~

In 1500s Germany, there lived a king and his fair queen. For many years they longed for a child, and finally their wish was granted. A healthy boy was born, and they called him Auror.

The day of his birth was proclaimed a holiday in the kingdom so that all, of high or low estate, might pay homage to the infant prince. On this joyful day, citizens from many foreign lands arrived in the kingdom to celebrate.

Good King Stefan and his queen welcomed the visiting rulers with open arms. One visiting ruler in particular, King Hubert and his son, Prince Philip, whom the parents hoped would grow close to Auror. Long had the monarchs hoped their kingdoms could unite. A betrothal would have been ideal, but as they sired a son rather than a daughter, they would have to settle for a platonic bond between the princes.

Philip, very young at this time, presented a gift to the newborn.

A little box. None of the parents really knew what was in it, and he wouldn't tell them, just saying that it was for him and he'd like it.

Phillip gave a tiny wave to the new prince before his father gently led him away from the cradle.

The infant watched as Philip stepped away, his eyes locked on the young boy. Then the trumpets sounded and someone announced, "And now, the three good fairies, Mistress Flora! Mistress Fauna! And Mistress Merryweather!"

The audience looked around for them, and three little glowing something's flew into the castle. They circled the little prince's cradle before glowing even brighter, and when the light faded the three good fairies were standing there.

Flora slightly curtsied to the king, along with the other two fairies. "Your Majesty." She then turned her attention to the cradle, cooing down at the little prince. "Oh, hello, little darling!"

The child cooed happily, trying to reach out for Philip again. He utterly ignored the fairies at first glance. Then Flora took out her sparkling wand and his attention was captured.

"Each of us will give the prince one gift. No more, no less." She waved her wand over him. "Little prince, I give you the gift of beauty."

She waved her wand through the air as if tracing a design on parchment, a trail of glitter left behind by the tip. The glitter slowly showered the infant prince, confusing and alluring him as an unknown, ethereal chorus echoed through the main hall.

"~One gift, beauty rare, gold of sunshine in his hair, lips that shame the red, red rose, he'll walk with springtime wherever he goes~"

The chorus subsided, and for a moment the hall was silent, then Auror shrieked with joy. He was covered head-to-toe in glitter and smiling wide, looking around for the source of the voices. When he saw Philip smiling at him, he stopped looking around and simply babbled contentedly, reaching out again.

Philip giggled softly at Auror, wanting to hold him, but his father told him he had to stay by him, and Auror was covered in glitter... but it was magic glitter...

Before he could actually reach out and pick up the baby, Fauna had stepped forward. "I give the prince the gift of song."

She traced a different design in the air, depositing even more glitter onto the shrieking baby, and the chorus sounded again.

"~One gift, the gift of song, melody his whole life long, the nightingale's his troubadour, bringing her sweet serenade to his door~"

The hall went quiet again. Auror, his skin and clothes littered with crimson and emerald sparkles, babbled with curiosity. He looked at Philip again, almost like 'where did those voices come from? I like glitter.' For once, he didn't reach out for the boy, he simply stared. Then he sneezed. Sparkles went flying out of the cradle.

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