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Loki's POV
Thor had convinced me to come out onto the common room this morning, and of course the first person we run into is Raven.

She's laughing as if the best joke has just been spoken but she's alone. I check the reflective items in the kitchen for Phobia but she doesn't seem to be making an appearance this morning.

To be safe I place myself as far as possible without looking suspicious. I open my book to a random page in the back and pretend to be busy with reading. 

"She seems to be in good spirits this morning," Thor says once Raven had disappeared into the elevator. I look over at him with a look of disinterest.

"Oh? And you bring this up to me why?" I ask flipping the page as if to prove I'm not actually paying him any attention. He huffs taking a bite out of his square pastry that has been commonly referred to as a pop tart.

"You know brother. Lady Raven and you may get along if you'd just talk with her more," Thor says calmly "I believe you both have very similar qualities."

"So you are admitting that I am a monster?" I look up from my book "because if you mean that in any other sense you'd be incorrect." He slams his fist down into the counter growling at my words. I jump a bit not expecting the outburst.

"Why do you both say such horrible things about yourselves?! I'm trying to help you and you continuously push me away!" We maintain eye contact for a moment after his outburst in complete silence. I roll my eyes going back to my book.

"Maybe it's because both of us feel we do not need your help," I say grinding my teeth "or maybe just maybe your charming personality is just not effective on both of us." He sighs loudly before walking out of the living area.

I sigh closing my book as he disappears into the elevator. What more does he want from me? I've been civil to his friends despite how they all treat me. I avoid those that I know I should avoid. Why can he not just accept that and move on?

A loud crash and the sound of something scratching across the floor comes from down the hallway gaining my attention. I look over in time to see a cat bolt into the room and look around in what seems to be panic. Before spotting me.

"Save me!" A male voice comes out of the creature as it trots over to me "please! I don't want to get 'dolled up' or whatever they planned on doing to me!"

"Here kitty!" Clints voice calls as he walks in looking over at the cat "come on Obi it won't be that bad."

"Stay back! I will haunt you in your sleep!" Obi growls before hopping into my lap "i will not be made to be your entertainment!"

"I believe the- creature would like to be left alone now," I say lightly moving the thing off of my lap.  Clint seems to become visibly upset at the news.

"Fine," he sighs "Obi are you allowed to be left unattended?"

"I'm perfectly self sufficient," Obi grumbles and Clint walks out yelling something to Nat about how he wants a pet of his own and how it's not fair that he can't have one.

"Thank you for not just throwing me back to him," Obi says chuckling "they were going to put me in a caller can you believe the nerve?!"

"They seem to enjoy putting chains on things," I huff standing and wiping off my trousers "best of luck to you." I walk towards the elevator in hopes of getting to the library without any disturbances. Stopping when the cat runs in front of me almost tripping me in the process.

"Wait, can I stay with you? Plus you aren't as hyper as the other human was when he saw me," he says tilting his head slightly as if to beg.

"I'm not a cat person," I say walking around him.

"I can be something else! Like a ferret! Or a fox!" It says twisting shape as it speaks. I look down at it in shock. What is this thing?

"What are you?" My voice is airy as I watch it change shape once more.

"Oh I'm a Lethifold, but Have no fear! I was given the orders that I'm not allowed to do anything harmful to anyone," he says sounding proud of himself.

"And who gave those orders?" I ask slightly suspicious now.

"Wait, why are you afraid? I haven't done anything frightening have I?" Obi asks sounding confused "you were fine a second ago was it something I said?"

"Your Raven's aren't you?" I say backing up from it in shock.

"Well, she doesn't own me. It's more like a symbiotic relationship," it says calmly "but she does give me my orders." I look down at it in horror.  What if it's a spy?! What if she's just trying to mess with me again?! What if it's dangerous?

"You feed on fear also?" I ask my voice wavering slightly. He smells the air looking puzzled.

"Not really. Hey you smell good," he says sounding playful "I bet Phobia likes you. Your scent is like her favorite treat. A snicker something or another. It's a baked good I believe. I've never had one. I can't eat human foods."

"Why are you here?" I huff "what are you trying to get out of me?"

"What do you mean?" Obi asks looking shocked at my response "I'm just trying to make friends. I bet I wouldn't be able to get you all to at least tolerate my presence and I'd make at least one friend. I'm much cuter then Phobia gives me credit for it seems."

"And how do you and Raven benefit each other?" I ask looking him over.

"Oh well think of me like a ready meal. When and if Raven needs a quick meal I'm a very good source of what she needs," he explains "but it's complicated and only for emergencies. She gives me a place to live and gives me my source of food."

"And that is?" I ask when he doesn't seem to go on.

"Oh! Right. I don't feed very often, but me specifically I eat livers. Some of the others have other things they can eat. But liver is mine," I watch him think it over for a second "we always make sure to torture the guys before killing them. Usually we'd keep them for a year just to make sure we get a good amount of fear from them before we feed. If we are lucky we get multiple at a time."

"Wait," I say horror and disgust coming over me "you eat humans?"

"Most of the ones we get are rapists or murderers. We've gotten a terrorist or two. We don't pray on the good or the gray. We pray on the evil," he says "the ones who hurt people just because they can."

"So like me?" I ask before I can stop myself.

"No. I can see that your wrongs weren't your own. You were manipulated and used. The one who hurt you is the kind we'd eat," he says voice becoming more demonic as he talks  "no one deserves what happened to you. I hope Raven gives us the man who hurt you. I'd enjoy that pray." And even if that is one of the most horrific thing I've heard this week, I think I kind of like this Lethifold. Even if it does work for someone I do not yet trust.

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