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Hello my lovely readers. Sorry if your upset with the outcome of the last chapter. This chapter is going to be in Loki's perspective any takes place towards the end of the last chapter and will go from there. Again this chapter might have some topics that are a bit heavy so please keep that in mind when reading.

Loki's Pov

It all happened so fast. One moment we are just dancing. For once I wasn't afraid of her at all.

Then she's ripped away from me. Stark is yelling but I'm not paying attention to his words. I can only watch Phobia.

Her facial expression shows complete terror as she looks around her at the crowd.

She starts to look panicked as she backs away from Tony. I look for the other avengers hoping one of them could stop this.

He's going to far, can he not see he's-

He's scaring her.

The reality of the situation shocks me. She's scared. In a crowd of people who are watching and pointing there devices at her.

I once again look to see if any of the avengers are on there way. This is going to end badly.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" A harsh cry rips it's way through Starks yelling. Everyone goes eerily quiet and I look back at Phobia to see she's no longer in her human form.

Her wings spread out behind her as if to conceal her from the crowd her hands brace her head and dark claws dig into her hair.

When she opens her eyes they are white, Ravens in control now.

She moves slowly taking in Stark and the crowd seeming a bit disoriented at first. She lowers her hands from her head in a mechanical manner eyes widening as she catches a glimpse at her claws.

She looks down at them in horror. Jerking her head up she looks around at the many people pointing there devices at her.

Flashes start up again as people begin to photograph her.

"No," it's almost so soft I don't catch it but it's so filled with horror that it has the same impact as if she had scream it at the top of her lungs.

She whirls around backing up from the onslaught of people wanting pictures of her.

"No," She bumps into Stark, who seems just as shocked with the outcome of his outburst.

Two things happen after she runs into Stark.

Stark snaps out of his shock and pushes her away from him and Raven goes into a full on panic attack.

She almost falls with the force that Stark pushed her with. Shaking violently as she continues to look around at the crowd in complete terror.

I don't think, I just know I have to get her out of here. I can't believe no one else is reacting to this. There all just taking videos and pictures as if she's some sort of freak.

I rush forward slipping off my coat using it to both cover and pull her to my chest, in this moment I've never felt like I can relate to anyone more.

She's ashamed of herself, much like I am. As I teleport us to the main living space I feel her pain.

Stark just exposed her to the world. Even if we are all guilty of treating her as if she is a monster. Having such a secret exposed to the world, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

She's still shaking when I lower her to the sofa. Tears have begun falling down her face.

"Raven," I try to say it softly but she still flinches violently when I say her name "you need to try to calm your mind. Your having a panic attack." She shakes her head in a panicked manner when I go to back away.

"No!" She grabs onto me nails digging past the cloth of my shirt and I can hear the sound of it ripping in her grip.

"Ok," I try to think of something to do to help her. I look around for something to help me before looking back at her opening my mouth to say more but freeze when I notice her eyes.

Her eyes have begun flashing between red and white. Tears still pouring from them.

What is happening to her?!

The elevator doors bust open and finally the good for nothing hero's show up.

"Loki what's happening to her?!" Bruce is the first to approach pushing me away from her "I couldn't get through the crowd. Raven, Phobia? Can you hear me? I need you to look at me!"

"I don't know what's happening, I sat her down and she started flashing her eyes back and forth," I can't go very far because she's still got a death grip on my shirt so I decide to answer Bruce's question.

"Tony, why would you do that?!" Thor's booming voice can be heard from across the room.

"Jarvis, can you try to go through Ravens phone and find the contact for Grace? She would most likely know what's happening and could probably help fix the situation," Bruce looks to the walls as he talks looking back at Raven in concern.

"Contact found. I'm calling her now," Jarvis says "I will put the call on your phone." Bruce nods pulling out his phone and backing away.

Natasha and Clint seem to have started a yelling match with Stark. Thor has begun pacing a few feet away and Steve just looks lost.

I look back at Raven to see that her shaking has stopped, her tears are starting to slow down but her eyes have begun to flash faster.

This can't be good. She needs help.

"No her eyes are still flashing," Bruce says looking panicked "Grace, there's people all over getting if to the tower is going to be almost impossible. Tony had a party."

"Banner," I say lightly peeling Ravens hands off me she tries to grab back onto me but I hold her back "I can get her where quickly. Tell her to stay at the book shop."

"No! You are not allowed out of the tower without supervision!" Stark yells, Pepper, who's been quietly watching everything from the corner walks up to him and slaps him hard.

"Anthony, enough!" She growls out "this whole situation is your fault. Let them do what needs to be done to fix it." I don't wait for anyone else to say anything before teleporting to the small book store.

Grace runs outside and rushes over once she sees me.

"Hurry," she urges as I take her arm firmly mumbling a hold on before taking us back to the tower.


Grace to the rescue. Guys I hope your enjoying the story, sorry about making them kind off depressing.

Please continue giving me feedback on how you guys like the story and stay safe out there.


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