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Raven's Pov

Waking up felt difficult. That was my clue to what happened.

I had another panic attack.

Details are foggy. I remember dancing, at a party? No wait, that was phobia's memory. Phobia was at a party.


Then Tony happened.

The yelling, the pictures, the crowd.

Now I remember.

I was exposed. I'm probably the latest gossip. This is bad.

"Hey, Raven?" I'd know that voice anywhere "I see your starting to wake up. Take it easy ok?" I grunt in response not quite sure if I'd be able to actually respond with words.

I do a body check to see what all I can move. Starting with fingers, easy enough they move as I need them to. Ok let's try hands, yep got that down. Ok big move let's do arms now, heck ya arms are moving.

"This is not taking it easy," Grace scolds taking my hand in hers "you know better then to try to rush."

Some mumbled gibberish comes from my mouth instead of words as I had intended and I hear a slight chuckle come from her.

"Stubborn as always I see," she sighs and I hear a slight ruffling sound making me believe she's shaking her head at me "just remember the faster you wake up the sooner you have to face the group." I grunt again waving my hand at her.

The door bursts open suddenly and I feel Grace jump.

"Jarvis said she was waking up?!" I hear bruce pant. Did he run all the way over here?

"She's not fully awake," Grace sighs "but she's awake enough to have an attitude."

I try to laugh, only able to make a huffing sound. I squeeze her hand before letting go to try and rub my face.

"Raven? Oh, I've been so worried about you!" Bruce is now on the side not occupied by Grace.

"Oh ya?" My voice comes out weak but I'm sure they hear me.

"Raven! Your trying to wake up too fast, your going to hurt yourself," Grace groans lightly slapping my shoulder. I smile opening an eye at her. She huffs in annoyance.

"Hey, don't hurt yourself trying to wake up," Bruce is trying to sound stern but his relief in me being awake makes it hard to notice.

"How long was I out?" My voice isn't as scratchy now.

"Only a day," Grace huffs "so there's no reason to be in such a rush." I roll my eyes and sit up feeling only slightly lightheaded.

"Did someone contact Fury?" I ask waving Grace away when she goes to grab me.

"Yes, he's been notified of the situation. Grace definitely laid into him on what all you're going to need." Bruce chuckles airily.

"What's the damage?" I sigh halfway not wanting an answer.

They both go quite and avoid eye contact. This is not good.

"Jarvis," I call out to the butler.

"Yes dear?" Even Jarvis sounds nervous great.

"How bad is it Jarvis," I rub my face bracing for the hard truth.

"I'm afraid the media hasn't been very kind to you," Jarvis sighs, I look up at Bruce and Grace to see they're both already looking at me "it's not all bad though. You have quite the following of women standing up for you."

"Wait, what?" We all look equally as shocked at the news.

"Yes, the women call you the Black Swan. I think it is a very interesting name and you should try to keep it," Jarvis gently states. I look over at Bruce and Grace to make sure they also just heard that.

"Black swan? Huh, could work for you. I mean it's up to you but I like it," Grace says with a thoughtful look on her face.

"What is the plan to de-escalate the situation?" I sigh still trying to figure all of this out.

"No one's made any solid plans. We wanted to run them by you first," Bruce gives me a look "but there isn't a rush to jump into it so take your time." I roll my eyes and stand up using my wings and tail as balance I barely wobble.

"Although I appreciate the concern I'm fine. Let's go talk to the others and try to get this figured out," I turn to Grace with a frown "I don't want you apart of this."

"What why not?!" She stomps a foot in frustration.

"Grace, I love you but I don't want you in the public eye for any of this. This is my life and you don't need to get caught in the crossfire of all the chaos going on right now," I hate leaving her out of this but bad publicity could ruin her and I can't let that happen.

"She does have a point," Bruce says looking around awkwardly "it would be a bad idea to also bring you into this mix right now. People are threatened by Raven and might take it out on you if they find out you both care about each other." Grace huffs out a long sigh and nods not looking to happy.

"I get it. I'm not happy about it but I get it," she starts to rub her temples and pace "ugh this is so frustrating! This shouldn't be happening."

"Well, it could be worse," I mumble running a hand through my hair "there could be no one on my side. I mean at least there's a group of people out there vouching for me."

"They're also going after Mr. Stark if that makes you feel any better," Jarvis adds in and I chuckle softly looking up at the ceiling.

"Thank you Jarvis. That actually does make me feel a bit better," I look over at Bruce then "now let's go get this very long talk over with so we can fix this mess." Bruce nods silently and walks out.

"I'll get everyone to the living room," Jarvis sighs before going quiet.

"Do you want me to take you home now?" I ask Grace who's crossed her arms at me.

"I'll wait here until your done talking with the group. After we discuss what happens next I'll let you take me home," she gives me a look that leaves no room for argument and I nod leaving the room to go try and sort this mess out.

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