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-Raven's POV

I look around at everyone as they stare at me. Fury stands next to me a hand on my shoulder that I'd like to shake off but refrain from doing so as to gain any more attention.

Natasha is standing next to a dirty blond with a bow off to the side. She has the second most angry glare out of the group. The person with the meanest looking face has to go hands down to Fury.

"Meet Raven. She's the newest addition to your little boy band so treat her with respect. If you get on her nerves and she attacks you that your own fault," Fury says pushing me forward a bit.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt but she's a bit small. Should you really be worried about her attacking anyone? She looks like she has a hard time holding a milk carton in one hand Fury," Tony stark, billionaire with PTSD and a drinking problem.

"I'm sorry, and you are?" I ask looking confused "which hero are you again?"

"What you live under a rock or something? I'm Ironman! Tony Stark, playboy genius? Ring any bells?" Tony says in a sassy manner. I smirk softly and nod.

"The man in a robotic suit of armor," I say "better watch out because even in your fancy suit I could probably put you on your ass while holding a milk carton in one hand."

"Oh! Is that so sweetheart? What about we test that?" Tony says and takes a step at me.

"Enough, no ones going to fight Raven without my permission. Tony quite antagonizing her she was able to bust out of those fancy cuffs of yours so your going to have to work on fixing them," Fury says then looks down at me. I shrink down. I may have practically destroyed the cuffs while getting out of them. Fury wasn't too pleased.

"You broke out of the cuffs?" Bruce Banner the famous scientists who on occasion turns into a large green man 

"More like busted out if you ask me," Fury says rolling his eye.

"Yes, I did," I say then look over to Natasha who has a hand conveniently right on her gun holster. She sees me see her and tenses up. I make eye contact before looking away.

"That's incredible! How?! You must have amazing abilities! Can I study them? Would you mind?" Bruce asks sounding way too excited about it. I open my mouth but Fury beats me to it.

"Absolutely not!" Fury says rather loudly. Everyone looks shocked and a bit confused, Bruce almost looks hurt.

"I'm sorry but my abilities are dangerous and..." I try to explain but fury cuts in again.

"We don't need you and her in a room together. If she was to do something and you hulk out it would cause a very dangerous domino effect," Fury says rather rudely.

"I could hurt a lot of people," I finish anyway

"Again you don't look to intimidating, what are your powers anyway?" Tony asks crossing his arms.

"I believe we would all like to know what you could do," Steve Rodgers, pretty boy served in a world war. I read about him in a book once.

"Raven has decided she would like to keep that information to herself," Fury says "and you will respect her wishes to keep it to herself, right Tony." Tony puts a hand on his chest looking offended.

"It's a sensitive subject and I'd like to get to know you all first," I say "people react negatively to what I am most times."

"What you gunna attack us in our sleep or something?" The blond next to Natasha says

"She very well could," Fury says "just not in the way you think." I glare at him over my shoulder and he steps back from me. I hear everyone gasp and look to see them all look at Fury in shock.

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